September AppImages have 7 libraries updated

These are the 7 libraries that have been recently updated: Dcraw has been updated to the latest version of 1.478. It was 1.477 of 2016 and has now been updated to the last 2018 version from Dave Coffin. There are at least 50+ additional cameras added, such as the...

July AppImage release now available

Multibit x265 is now the default build for all appimages which only affects encode for x265 so that now the 10-bit and 12-bit x265 render formats will work. The 8-bit render format (h265.mp4) and other h265 formats that exist should continue to work as before. If...

June latest release now available

In this release there are 2 new plugins to include: ChromakeyAvid which is a much improved replacement for ChromakeyHSV; based on Avid pectraMatte. Color Swatch provides an assist to ChromakeyAvid when dragged to the timeline first. The ChromkeyAvid plugin is...