View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000428 | Cinelerra-GG | [All Projects] Bug | public | 2020-05-11 20:01 | 2020-06-14 20:38 |
Reporter | MatN | Assigned To | PhyllisSmith | ||
Priority | low | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | confirmed | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | X86_64 | OS | Mint XFCE | OS Version | 19.3 |
Product Version | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | ||||
Summary | 0000428: French names in Resource window OK? | ||||
Description | The Resource window when CinGG is started with a French GUI (In terminal: LANGUAGE=fr_FR cin) shows Effets audio Video Effects Audio Transitions Transitions Video ... Shouldn't that be: Effets audio Effets video Transitions audio Transitions video ... I don't speak much French but it seems inconsistent the way it is. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
@Pierre, @Phyllis , attached is a text file with from what I can see/suspect are incorrect french translations. There are also some generic issues not related to the language. Phyllis, please let me know if I should make separate BT entries for those.
20200614_CinGG_FR.txt (2,932 bytes)
Items for which the French text might not be correct (question mark in front) Main->Fichier ? Load recent ? Scan ? MAJ-R ? Shift-E ? Render ? Batch render Main->Editer ? Clear Main->Pistes ? Shift-D ? Shift-N Main->Configuration ? Transcode In general, where it says in EN Shift-xx in FR the "shift" is not translated consistently. What should it be? window Main->Fichier->Charger des fichiers: - spécifier un filtre : ? start with upper case 's' - drop-down box at bottom: ? nested window Main->Fichier->Enregistrer le projet: ? Top text "Entrer ..." looks wrong. ? Why is the window title different than the menu entry. In the english version it is not different. window Main->Fichier->Enregistrer sous: ? Top text "Entrer ..." looks wrong. ? Why is the window title different than the menu entry. In the english version it is not different. window Main->Fichier->Aquisition: ? Poweroff window Main->Fichier->Sous-titre script texte: ? "FPour" . Probably should be "Pour" . window Main->Fichier->Rendu ? Beep on volume done window Main->Fichier->Batch render In columns at bottom, text is not left aligned and columns are too small. can they be auto-adjusted depending on text, the the GUI shas such a function? This is language undependent. window Main->Fichier->Rendu BD - Window too narrow to fit french text at right. - Why is it called BD? If this means Blu-ray, should it not be BR? window Main->Fichier->Rendu DVD - Window too narrow to fit french text at right. window Main->Fichier->Configuration->Préférences Interface utilisateur ? Size of index file in KB window Main->Fichier->Configuration->Préférences Lecture A - Programme TOC No: text/field seems a little too high, but maybe this is a GUI limit in placement. window Main->Fichier->Configuration->Préférences Aquisition - Sections Audio and Video, generic problem. The french driver name runs into the "driver" box, and if you click around a lot with different drivers, the boxes to the right of the driver box jump up and down, and the text above them sometimes leave bits of text from another setting: In audio, choose Alsa driver, then DVD, then V4L2 MPEG, then Alsa again. V4L2 MPEG has unneded "bits:" text also. Suggestion: always put the boxes in one line, like for DVD. window Main->Fichier->Configuration->Préférences Performances - section "Grappe de rendu", columns at right same issue as in the batch render window. window Main->Fichier->Configuration->Préférences Apparence - At lower right, french text is cut off, window too narrow. - Section Agencement. French text "Icônes ..." runs into field. - Section couleur. Plage de couleur YUV has not ´:' at end of text. the boxes are vertically misaligned. Suggestion: align the right side of the four boxes vertically. - section Warnings: Should the word "Warnings"not be french, and there are 3 english text lines . - Section Drapeaux: ? Timeline rectify audio . |
Wikipedia infoboxes (actually software infobox templates) are different per language. Apart from the pure text, as soon as there is a "fieldname = value", apparently a lua script gets to fill it in. This works different per language. Some will by default pick data from Wikidata, some will not, the FR will unless you specify "fieldname =-" . Some have control over size of logo and/or images in the infobox (and in EN it is different than in FR), in IT multiple infoboxes on the same article are not all the same size and you cannot control the size. The templates are not always easy to find (except FR and IT which have a clickable thingy at the bottom right which shows fields and explanations). In other words, an excellent way to spend dark winter evenings if there is nothing else worth doing :-( | |
@MatN Thank you, you've done a great job with these multi-league pages on Wikipedia. I notice that the information boxes in the English version are much more compact than the French (and Deutsch) version. I think the size of the English version is less invasive and preferable, I don't know if it is possible to make these unification adjustments without it being very difficult. |
Fixed, and managed to get infoboxes to size too, plus text corrections. | |
In the French version... | |
@MatN In the English version on Wikipedia of the page about Cinelerra, in the box dedicated to Cinelerra-CV, the web address listed is that of the "Heroine Warrior" site. While in the English version it is that of the old Cinelerra-CV site, which is much better; it redirects to the CinGG site... |
@Pierre, I am modifying the french .po file to fix "spectateur" to "visionneuse"and image-clé / images-clé to versions without the minus sign in between. Do you know of any other wrong translations? |
@Pierre, Well, I published it, with a real hack to avoid picking up unwanted screenshots and logo. Hopefully one of the reviewers will have a better solution, it doesn't look nice but at least the info in good. One of the items I got questions about is that the HV version could handle very large images. I tried HV 7.2 with a 28k x 20k picture and it crashed (just like CinGG, but cinGG crashed nicer). So I removed the statement from the FR wiki page, will do the other languages as well. |
@Pierre, I have no yet published it, 1 issue still to be corrected. And I was also busy with the DE and IT versions, where I also need corrections. |
@MatN The page translated into French of the current English text on Cinelerra from Wikipedia, does not seem to have been replaced by the new version, The link (on the English page) to the French version still displays the old outdated page. Is this normal? |
Page active. But it behaves slightly different from my user page version: it picks up data from Wikidata. Have to find out how to avoid it. | |
2004-08-16 I'm sorry my mistake. Merge con la versione comunitaria CVS. A questa versione sono stati aggiunti speciali miglioramenti, ad esempio H264 Kod. Cineon, usato al NAB sotto Fedora 1,2 e BSD 5. Con questo formato si possono gestire pellicole 4k 4096x4096, se la scheda grafica lo permette. Frame rate superiori a 210 fotogrammi al secondo per portare un video HD a 720x480 29,97 direttamente in timeline da una videocamera. Risolti i bug di video4linux con il chip Zoran. "Bug risolti" is OK. Thanks for your Job; go on with the publishing. :-) |
I've processed all the quotes, the increase in length is not so bad. Quite acceptable. Some notes: - 2004-08-16 : This I had translated with deepl, wasn't in your file. Can you check it please? - Is "bug fix" accepted in Italian. In most places I've replaced it with "bug risolti" or similar. - The "Dave Kline" dead link works on the EN page. There a bot has automatically updated the link with one from the archive machine. I have to investigate if this is also available for IT. The same goes for the "Making the cuts" awards link. - Some CV links are gone, this applies for all languages. I still have to find a solution, I leave them in (dead) for now. If you don't have any serious problems, I´d like to publish. There are some catagories at the bottom which are automatically created, have not figured out how. |
Since not wanting to translate the quotes is just a personal preference of mine, I enclose the translations and leave it to you to use them.
quotes-wiki-it.txt (5,546 bytes)
2003-02-11 "Deinterlacciamento adattivo, corretto alfa blending a 16 bit, maggiori opzioni ffmpeg/MPEG-4". 2003-05-12 "Incolla silenzio e incolla da clipboardi spostano i fotogrammi chiave in modo corretto; miglioramenti della titolatrice; miglioramenti IEEE1394; possibilità di aggiungere gli edit in qualsiasi punto della timeline; autoscorrimento della timeline quando si trascina il cursore". 2003-08-11 "Time stretch basato sulla sovrapposizione di finestre invece che su FFT; MPEG-4 usa il decoder di ffmpeg; freeze frame ha un'opzione di raddoppio della linea; importazione di file AVI con dvgrab e lavtools. Miglioramenti per CPU X86 a 64 bit". 2003-11-11 "Ordinamento delle selezioni dei file; nudge per tracce audio; più tooltips; Inverse Telecine; miglioramenti del sovracampionamento". 2004-02-11 Questa versione è una pietra miliare perché è probabilmente la prima volta che viene presentato più codice proveniente dalla comunità che dall'interno. 2004-05-11 "Cinelerra ha un grande numero di piccoli cambiamenti. Quicktime finalmente decodifica Sorenson e gli header compressi". 2004-08-12 "Quicktime 2.0.4 aggiornato. Con questa release si nel mondo dell'imaging in virgola mobile. Non è semplicemente uno spazio colore più accurato, è un modo totalmente nuovo di pensare il colore. Infine, Cinelerra è ufficialmente più stabile in modalità a 64 bit che a 32 bit". 2005-01-10 "Aggiunti Effetto Treshold, effetto unsharp mask, gradiente sferico, tracciamento del moto e della rotazione, caricamento TIFF in scala di grigi, lettura e scrittura quicktime RGBA8888". 2005-10-04 "Codifica H.264 e codifica audio MPEG-4". Importazione diretta di video MPEG. 2006-07-02 "Miglioramenti nell'elaborazione audio e nel compositore; supporto (limitato) dei sottotitoli nei DVD; supporto OpenGL per il compositing e in molti effetti; miglioramenti del motion tracking". 2009-09-25 "La principale caratteristica sono le nested clips. Il Bug della finestra Viewer che non visualizza le clip video, sarà fissato nella prossima versione a spese di un'altra funzionalità". 2010-10-17 "Principalmente bugfix & rilascio per necessità personali. Funzione `Edit->Align edits`, che allinea tutte le modifiche audio con il video. Funzione keyframe spanning, in cui l'evidenziazione di una regione con la generazione di keyframe fa sì che l'effetto si estenda a tutti i keyframe. Tutte le risorse sono ora aperte in sottoprocessi vari, in modo da non far bloccare l'intero programma quando se ne blocca uno. Non è più possibile la modalità Drag & Drop delle clip, la funzione è stata rimossa". 2010-11-21 ¨CinelerraCV 2.1.5 è uscita; con il supporto audio SOWT e altri miglioramenti e correzioni di bug. Per maggiori dettagli vedere l'annuncio di rilascio". 2011-08-06 "Da testo a film". Permette di trasformare una sceneggiatura in un film, con aggiornamenti e ricerca dal vivo. 2011-11-13 "Include una Patch di Hermann Vosseler per le curve Bezier (automatismi per le curve Bezier di dissolvenze, telecamera e proiettore); impostazioni predefinite migliorate, range audio esteso, commenti multilinea per le etichette e le clip; rilevamento automatico di OpenGL; rilevamento di v4l2.¨ 2012-09-07 "Avvio più veloce e maggiore reattività; oscilloscopio audio; nuovo tema bright e correzione colori con Color 3 Way". 2013-10-25 "Curve di velocità principalmente per il video e, in qualità degradata, per l'audio. Maggiore controllo sull'automazione che segue meglio le modifiche. Capacità di trasferire i fotogrammi chiave tra le tracce audio e video. I file generati da Motion sono memorizzati in /tmp/m e /tmp/r. Time Avg resetta l'accumulatore presso i keyframe". 2014-09-10 "possibilità di Split della timeline". OpenGL supportato su Intel HD. Miglioramenti della titolatrice. Bugfixes.¨ 2015-08-13 "Supporto completo UTF-8; Nuovo motore di overlay e ricampionamento; Nuova grafica delle finestre e delle icone; Nuovi plugin: GreyCStoration, C41, Bluebanana, color3way, findobject, lens; Alcune traduzioni sono state aggiornate (tedesco, italiano, francese, norvegese, portoghese); Molti piccoli bugfixes; Modifiche al sistema di compilazione". 2015-11-09 ¨Aggiornata la libreria di x264. Migliorata la decodifica mp3. Il ridimensionamento video è ora a scelta fra Nearest o Bicubico, non c'è più Lineare. L'editing con proxy è utilizzabile da prima di scoprire che i moderni PC possono facilmente decodificare 4k". 2016-11-17 "Aggiornato il codec h264. Non ci sono più Picons nella finestra Risorse. Il Motion Tracking ha ricevuto importanti ottimizzazioni. Nuova interfaccia per gli effetti di ricampionamento. La titolatrice può caricare file di sottotitoli. 2017-10-13 "Riproduzione ottimizzata di video di grande formato". Decodifica H.265. Cattura schermo ottimizzato. Telecamera sferica. Eyedropper può mostrare il valore massimo. Interpolazione delle immagini CR2 con bilanciamento del bianco". 2019-01-23 Esportazione di video H.265 in Quicktime. Funzione di seeking per file MKV/WEBM. Altri bug risolti. 2019-10-11 " Molti aggiornamenti audio. Nuovo flanger, coro, tremolo e compressore multibanda. Il riverbero ha un filtro passa banda completo. Il compressore ha ottenuto VU meters & grid snapping. Supporto Pulseaudio. Plugins audio con una più accurata gestione dei keyframe. Migliore sincronizzazione tra i plugin audio e il cursore. Tasto destro del mouse su un asset per ottenere una finestra info. Continuo bug-fixing". |
Signore, you know best, my Italian is limited to "marconi" and "pizza" :-) Let's leave the comments untranslated. | |
I'm not fast. I had already done an old translation, I just updated and completed it. Technical English is a very precise and concise language. Often a word is enough to describe complicated concepts (i.e "Trim"). Italian is the opposite of English: whole sentences to describe simple words and multiple sentences to describe simple sentences. I tried to translate the quotes into English, but after 3 or 4 attempts I gave up because the result was long, very long, and illegible. I have noticed that the translations in Español, Deutsch and Français are literal and therefore long and complex compared to the English ones. So I could do it too, but I don't like the result, and I'd rather leave some parts in English. I think the same for CinGG: I don't like Raffaella's old translation (per CV) and I use the program in English. I could make a new translation but, as far as I said, I would leave almost half the words in English, displeasing all Italian readers (except me!). IgorBeg, what do you think? * Anyway, if you still want them in Italian, I'll translate them. Let me know. I enclose the required corrections.
wiki-it-error-2.txt (1,377 bytes)
Little misunderstanding: "Cronologia di Cinelerra" is the title of section 6 and not section 1. I think it is best to title section "La storia in breve" or just "Storia". If you make this change, you also need to change in the body of the text in section 1 the words "Storia di Cinelerra" with "Cronologia di Cinelerra". "Varianti". You are right. In 2006-07-02 I forgot one: (selection) --> (dettaglio) In "Riferimenti": 1. (EN) Broadcast 2000 dismesso l'accesso al pubblico 2. (EN) Cronologia di Cinelerra in cinelerra.090901.tar.bz2 doc/manual.pdf 3. [already done] 4. Premiazioni di Making The Cut [Dead Link] 5. (EN) La ricerca di buoni video editor non-lineari, liberi/aperti 6. (EN) [OK] 7. (IT) Riguardo Cinelerra [link to italian page:] 8. (EN) Cinelerra-CV: Archivio delle Notizie [Dead Link] [working link:] 9. (EN) [OK] 10. (EN) [OK] 11. (EN) [OK] 12. (EN) Compilare ed installare Lumiera 13. (EN) Deposito Debian per Lumiera 14. (EN) Rilasci 2002-2008 di Cinelerra-HV su 15. (EN) Notizie su Cinelerra-HV 16. (EN) Notizie su Cinelerra-CV [Dead Link] 17. (EN) Note di rilascio di Cinelerra-GG In "Ulteriori letture" - Dave Kline [Dead Link] In "Riferimenti esterni" - [IT] Sito web di Cinelerra-GG [link to italian page:] |
@Andrea_Paz, Regarding the comments in the version history table, they should be translated, because in the NL/DE/FR versions they are also translated. Can you do that or shall I do it with deepl and you check the translations? |
All done, except the section name "varianti" . I make this distinction: - fork (take a program, develop it under a different name) - variant (same program, (almost) the same name, looks mostly the same, internal changes) - version (different release of the same program). Strictly speaking , Lumiera is a fork, but as long as there is no working program... If you change a section title, the content picks it up. There is no content structure that you manualy edit. Thank you for the quick reaction. I am amazed that you had the page translation so quickly. I need to sort out some links, which are dead or inappropriate. Unless you find something really wrong, I hope to replace the old page tomorrow. Also, is it good to indicate that a link is in english, such as already done for a few under Riferimenti? It is obvious from the title usually, but it a language is preferred, it is easy to add. And for the comments in the history table, in the FR page (not yet up) is is all translated. What is better for an Italian? Finally, if the Wiki page is renewed, what is the state of the IT GUI translation (.po file)? Do you use that or the english version? |
The file... I'm sorry
error-it-wiki.txt (1,537 bytes)
List of errors to correct: 1) INTRO: DVDF --> DVD (alla fine della sezione) 2) STORIA: Storia di Cinelerra --> Cronologia di Cinelerra 3) L'INTERFACCIA: L'INTERFACCIA --> INTERFACCIA (title, on CONTENTS, also) traccie --> tracce (nel punto 1.) 4) CINELERRA.ORG: ...sviluppare PIÙ professionalità... --> ...sviluppare MAGGIORE professionalità... ...varianti --> variante 5) VARIANTS: VARIANTS --> VERSIONI (title, on CONTENTS, also) 6) LUMIERA ...a gennaio 2019 non c'è un'applicazione... --> a gennaio 2019 non c'è ANCORA un'applicazione... 7) CINELERRA-GG INFINITY: ...anche da dentro CINELERRA-GG... --> anche da dentro IL PROGRAMMA... (...Quickstart) che HAI professionisti... --> (...Quickstart) che AI profesionisti... 8) STORIA DELLE VERSIONI DI CINELERRA: STORIA DELLE VERSIONI DI CINELERRA --> CRONOLOGIA DI CINELERRA (title, on CONTENTS, also) 2003-05-12 ... (selection) --> (dettaglio) 2003-08-11 ... (selection) --> (dettaglio) 2003-11-11 ... (selection) --> (dettaglio) 2005-01-10 ... (selection) --> (dettaglio) 2006-0702 ... (selection) --> (dettaglio) ___________________________________________________ I don't know if the titles of the last sections should remain in English; anyway I leave the translations in Italian: 9) See Also --> Vedi anche (title, on CONTENTS, also) 10) References --> Riferimenti (title, on CONTENTS, also) 11) Further reading --> Ulteriori letture (title, on CONTENTS, also) 12) Externals links --> Riferimenti esterni (title, on CONTENTS, also) |
Great job, thank you. I enclose a list of minor translation mistakes I made. |
@Andrea_Paz, 1. Preliminary italian page at , I think I processed all your text, links still need some work. Please check if you have a moment. 2. Logos is a problem. If you want to upload to Wikipedia or variants thereof (commons, Data), the main requirement is that you give permission for anyone to modify it. This is incompatible with , point 4 . So I don't think we'll have a logo there. |
@MatN I enclose the odt file of the translation. I've also put some official logos of CinGG in it, because in my opinion there is a lack of graphics in the CinGG section. Sam may be able to provide you with better ones. Two little notes: - in the first line I think it's better to put "NLE, Non-Linear Editing" instead of "...Editor". - last line of the "Interface" section; it ends with "]" while it should be ")". wikipedia-it.tar.gz (113,917 bytes) |
@Andrea_Paz Thanks! I would be happy if you could do the italian translation. I have to set up a personal page first, and the wiki code is not always the same between languages, but I get it started this week. |
@MatN Yes, while reworking the end of the text, I realized that the Heroine Virtual website was only in English. So the section titled "NEWS" has no French equivalent "NOUVELLES". As it's a title, I thought it would be better not to confuse a visitor and therefore to maintain "NEWS". Usually when I choose to leave an English term in a French text, I usually put it between " ", but in this one I wanted to change as little as possible your existing translation and I didn't put any " ". I am not familiar with the procedures that official translators follow. I just hope that if someone more familiar with these rules sees mistakes, they will correct them... |
@MatN Reading the wikipedia entry, I realized what a great and beautiful job you did. My compliments! PS: if you're interested, I can provide you with the Italian translation. |
Thanks, I am updating the french Wikipedia. One question: In the "historique" section, you use two different translations for "From the Heroine Virtual website's NEWS section¨ a) De la section NOUVELLES du site web Heroine Virtual b) De la rubrique NEWS du site web Heroine Virtual Which one should be used? Regarding the french GUI, there are some more things to be corrected, like image-clés to image clé and the viewer's window title. I propose to keep this BT open till that is good too. |
MatN Attached, my suggestions for changes (in red) to the rest of the existing translation of the French Wikipedia page. Corrections Wikipedia 2e partie.doc (131,072 bytes) |
Ok, then I'll start making a list of what needs changing for the french GUI. | |
Images clés | |
Thanks! Is it images-clés or Images clés . Because CinGG has it with the - in between. | |
No, "spectateur" doesn't mean the same thing at all as "visionneuse." | |
Yes "visionneuse" is a good translation for "viewer"... | |
@MatN Yes "viewer" is a good translation for "viewer". I had to interrupt the correction of the translation I had started to deal with other situations. I could finish it in a few days. I am sending you in attachment what I already have. My suggestions for changes are in red. Corrections Wikipedia 1e partie.doc (121,856 bytes) |
Also, what should the "viewer" be called in the french version. In the main program it says "afficher la visionneuse" but the actual window has as title "spectateur". As far as I know they mean the same, is there a common-used (in NLEs) french word for this? |
@MatN All right, I'm working on checking this translation, but it's going to take me a little while to complete it. |
@Pierre, I hesitate to ask, but if you have time and are willing to do some language checks, I have prepared (but not yet published) a complete new Cinelerra page for the French Wikipedia, in the same layout as the EN/DE/NL ones. The translations were all done by but I cannot judge if the resulting French is not silly or weird. The page is at . If you cannot do it, fine too. The logo is still missing, I hope to fix that this week. |
@Pierre I will update the fr.po with your changes tomorrow. Every translated word helps - especially the ones that are often used. |
@MatN That's right! For someone who doesn't speak French, you have an eye... very French. Me, I think I've now become just too good at English to notice what isn't French. @Phyllis Okay, well... Here's what I had prepared: "Intruments / Generators" should be translated by: "Instruments / Générateurs" "Modulation Effect" should be translated as: "Effets de modulation" "Delay Effects" should be translated as: "Effets de délais" "Dynamic Processors" should be translated as: "Processeurs dynamiques" "Filters and Equilizers" should read: "Filtres et égalisateurs" "Distortion Effects" should be translated as: "Effets de distorsion" "Tools" should be translated as: "Outils" "Video Effects" should be translated by: "Effets vidéo" "Color Correction" should be translated as: "Correction de couleurs" "FF Color Correction" should be translated as: "FF Correction de couleurs" "Blur" should be translated as: "Flou" "Denoise" should be translated as: "Débruitage" "Extract Keys"... (I don't know how to translate these keys...) "Geometry"... "Géométrie" ... (Seems a less appropriate translation) "Scale" should be translated as: "Échelle" "Time" should be translated as: "Gestion Temporelle" "Audio Transitions" should be translated as: "Transitions audio" |
Okay... I was just getting a translation ready, you beat me to it. | |
@Pierre I have made the corrections and it will be checked in as soon as Pierre verifies that this is correctly stated. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2020-05-11 20:01 | MatN | New Issue | |
2020-05-11 22:13 | PhyllisSmith | Assigned To | => PhyllisSmith |
2020-05-11 22:13 | PhyllisSmith | Status | new => confirmed |
2020-05-11 22:13 | PhyllisSmith | Note Added: 0003404 | |
2020-05-11 22:53 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003405 | |
2020-05-11 23:16 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003406 | |
2020-05-12 00:44 | PhyllisSmith | Note Added: 0003409 | |
2020-05-13 17:50 | MatN | Note Added: 0003414 | |
2020-05-14 02:52 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003422 | |
2020-05-28 09:45 | MatN | Note Added: 0003489 | |
2020-05-28 14:21 | Pierre | File Added: Corrections Wikipedia 1e partie.doc | |
2020-05-28 14:21 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003495 | |
2020-05-28 14:23 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003496 | |
2020-05-28 14:33 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003497 | |
2020-05-28 17:31 | MatN | Note Added: 0003499 | |
2020-05-28 17:43 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003500 | |
2020-05-28 17:50 | MatN | Note Added: 0003501 | |
2020-05-31 23:13 | Pierre | File Added: Corrections Wikipedia 2e partie.doc | |
2020-05-31 23:13 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003536 | |
2020-06-01 09:07 | MatN | Note Added: 0003540 | |
2020-06-01 14:44 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003542 | |
2020-06-01 16:44 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003543 | |
2020-06-01 17:39 | MatN | Note Added: 0003544 | |
2020-06-01 20:45 | Andrea_Paz | File Added: wikipedia-it.tar.gz | |
2020-06-01 20:45 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003546 | |
2020-06-02 12:07 | MatN | Note Added: 0003549 | |
2020-06-02 14:30 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003550 | |
2020-06-02 14:30 | Andrea_Paz | File Added: error-it-wiki.txt | |
2020-06-02 14:30 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003551 | |
2020-06-02 17:46 | MatN | Note Added: 0003552 | |
2020-06-02 19:21 | MatN | Note Added: 0003553 | |
2020-06-02 19:35 | Andrea_Paz | File Added: wiki-it-error-2.txt | |
2020-06-02 19:35 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003554 | |
2020-06-03 06:57 | MatN | Note Added: 0003555 | |
2020-06-03 12:06 | Andrea_Paz | File Added: quotes-wiki-it.txt | |
2020-06-03 12:06 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003556 | |
2020-06-03 15:39 | MatN | Note Added: 0003558 | |
2020-06-03 16:57 | Andrea_Paz | Note Added: 0003559 | |
2020-06-03 19:30 | MatN | Note Added: 0003561 | |
2020-06-06 12:30 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003566 | |
2020-06-06 13:37 | MatN | Note Added: 0003567 | |
2020-06-06 14:42 | MatN | Note Added: 0003568 | |
2020-06-12 17:46 | MatN | Note Added: 0003594 | |
2020-06-12 23:40 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003597 | |
2020-06-12 23:41 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003598 | |
2020-06-13 14:32 | MatN | Note Added: 0003601 | |
2020-06-13 16:09 | Pierre | Note Added: 0003603 | |
2020-06-14 20:33 | MatN | Note Added: 0003613 | |
2020-06-14 20:38 | MatN | File Added: 20200614_CinGG_FR.txt | |
2020-06-14 20:38 | MatN | Note Added: 0003614 |