August 2023 new AppImage release

There is now a Mirror video plugin in this release which is quite fun as well as useful. You can read about it here. Besides the Mirror plugin, this month’s release contains improvements to the Gain audio plugin, a bug fix for Background Rendering, and some...

July 2023 information

A new CinGG YouTube video was recently created to demonstrate one way to “Collect and Save your Favorite Effects”. Saving these effects to an XML file for easy inclusion on your next project is shown later in the video. You can view the video here. There...

May 2023 status and update

Recent upgrades to the Forum and Mantis BugTracker requiring reCAPTCHA checkbox have greatly improved the experience and reduced incoming spam. The team is working on testing CinGG with FFmpeg 6.0 which requires integrating about 14 sets of patches specific to...

March 2023 news update

The following libraries are upgraded in the March 31 release: Flac is now at version 1.4.2 Tiff is now at version 4.5.0 Libjpeg-turbo version is Libvpx is now version 1.13.0 For users taking advantage of the Shuttle with CinGG, besides “mouse”...