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Cinelerra in Opensuse Tumbleweed ?

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Can I install the leap 42.3 version in Opensuse Tumbleweed ?? 

Is a specific version planned ??

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 5 Jahren von mandragore59va

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Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 372

Before responding, I had to look around the net to figure out what Tunbleweed is and how it differs from Leap 42.3 and 15.1!  Since you are using Tunbleweed, I assume you are somewhat computer savvy as well as artistic.  Here is the easiest way with no impact to your filesystem to test whether Cinelerra-GG will work for you:

1) download the single user tarball to /tmp this file:

2) in a window at the prompt, type these commands where /path is a DIRECTORY WHERE YOU WANT the software to reside:

cd /path
mkdir cin
cd cin
tar -xJf /tmp/cinelerra-5.1-leap42.3-20191231.x86_64-static.txz


Try starting up cinelerra where the binary file is - for example:



See if it starts and runs OK.  Check the terminal window where you ran the above command to see if any errors -- the most likely error for "bleeding edge" distro is a library mismatch "so" error.  With a static build, this should not be a problem.  If you had used the Package install method instead (sometimes easier for non-savvy computer users) you could easily get this library mismatch problem, not only initially when you install Cinelerra, but at any time Cinelerra could break as Tumbleweed has automatic updates.  The beauty of this installation method, is that you can just delete the entire /path/cin directory path to remove cinelerra.


Because Cinelerra is built on so many distros already (about 18 variations, 2 of which are Leap variations), there is no plan to build a Tunbleweed specific version.  The main problem is that the Cinelerra package can be broken any day by an update on a rolling release operating system as we have found with Arch.  When/if either Leap 15 or OpenSuse 42.3 is discontinued, then we will consider replacing it with Tunbleweed.


Reputable Member Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 242

There is now an OpenSuse Tumbleweed release of Cinelerra.  Try it as follows:

zypper ar -f cingg
zypper mr -G cingg
zypper install -r cingg cinelerra

The first line with the "ar" means to "a"dd "r"epository.
The second line with the "mr" removes the requirement for the GPG signature.
The third line installs Cinelerra and then type "cin" to start it up.


Please understand and remember that with Tumbleweed being a rolling release, Cinelerra can be broken by a new update from Tumbleweed. We used the January 30 snapshot BUT if on January 31 or at any time, a rolling release changes a key library being used by Cinelerra, then Cinelerra might have to be recompiled to continue to work.

Reputable Member Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 242


For a few months now, we have created a Tumbleweed release of CinelerraGG.  However, it has become untenable and unless there are several insistent users, we no longer have enough time to continue to support it.  Every month we have to upgrade to the current Tumbleweed version and it takes many hours because it is not the O/S that we use on a daily basis.  And it appears very unstable to use. Unfortunately with lack of knowledge and assistance, it consumes much more time than we currently have available. 


You can always compile on your own as described in the manual or convince us that it is worth the extra time to keep it up to date.

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May be you can make a AppImage ? It will be available for all linux distros ?

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Beiträge: 69

This has been suggested several times, but due to lack of time this could not be implemented. If a user or developer agrees to create the AppImages, we would include it on the website.
