SVG - video-effect ...
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SVG - video-effect // import as a resource

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I want to work with svg-files in Cinelerra.
I work on an Ubuntu Workstation with Cinelerra-GG
I have Inkscape installed on that computer.

There is a video-effect plugin for inserting svg-files with direct acces to inkscape.
It isn't working on my system.
It gives exit code 256

I guess I can import a svg-file also as a resource on the resource window.
Then Cinelerra responds
AVCodecContext: FFMpeg::activate_decoder(AVstream*):
Cant find decoder codec 32801

and then again that exit code 256.

I guess some codec needs to be installed... who can help me out?


Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 423

I'm not sure, but I believe that CinGG does not support svg, only raster png images. To directly import a svg file into CinGG I get the same error as you.
Using the "SVG to Inkscape" plugin instead we can directly open Inkscape (Edit button), make changes to the svg file and then use it as a new png image (New/Open svg button) inside CinGG.

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Andrea is correct as far as I know.  You can not directly import svg images as a resource but have to use the plugin as in: 

This plugin allows the user to manipulate an SVG (scalable vector graphics) image with Inkscape without having to leave the program.

Since you can not import your svg file, in Cut and Paste mode simply wipe a section on the timeline and then drag the SVG via Inkscape to that section and open up the menu.  Click on "New/Open SVG" to load your currently existing SVG file or create a new one which will show in the Compositor window.  Then, as Andrea already stated, click on the "Edit" button which brings up your Inkscape window. 

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Beigetreten: Vor 5 Jahren
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@phylsmith2004 and @andreapaz, thanks for your replies.
I tried both ways (and now retried SVG via Inkscape)
Even by dragging the effect to the timeline, I get inkscape: error exit status 256.

Any idea?

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That is a little strange but if you want, you can send your svg input file so that either Andrea can try on Arch or I can try on Fedora.  If you need to keep your svg file private, you can email me directly at and I will test and then delete the file.

But possibly the code "Return status 256" as found in the following is the cause, but I would not depend on that.  A search on the net using "inkscape exit code 256" turned up the same type of possibilities for ubuntu and debian.

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Beigetreten: Vor 5 Jahren
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Thanks for your replies.

I studied the problem again, and add a screenshot here.

The problem starts when I drag the effect to the timeline.
And whatever I do, in the box another line with the some error is repeated. (just clicking the magnifying glass, clicking the edit or new button....) 
If I try to play in the compositor, de same error repeats and I don't see the svg on top of the image.

Help! Help!

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 69

Hi Stefan,

which version of Cinelerra and Inkscape do you use? Where did you save your SVG file?
I have tested it with the latest version of Cinelerra and Inkscape 1.0.1 and it works fine for me. I do not get such an error message. But I can remember that a few months ago I got an error message like that, but then it disappeared with a newer version of Cinelerra.

UPDATE: Oh now I saw in your picture where you saved your SVG file.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 4 Jahren von Sam

Trusted Member
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This exit error seems to be a problem with Inkscape. I googled once and this error message often appears in connection with Inkscape, Latex and a missing package pstoedit. But this missing package does not seem to be the problem with Cinelerra, it is not installed in my setup and everything works fine for me.

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Beigetreten: Vor 5 Jahren
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Thanks for your replies.
I'm not exactly sure wich version of Cinelerra I use. It is Cinelerra GG - Infinity, built: 31 october 2020

Inkscape is 1.0.1.

And I tried svg's from different maps.

Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 423

In my system I have texlive +texstudio and also pstoedit. But I have no errors in using "SVG via inkscape".

However, this plugin is not so useful: it's the same as opening Inkscape externally, create a png, and import it into CinGG.

If you can start CinGG from terminal maybe we can read some more descriptions.

Estimable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 4 Jahren
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I have the same problem of Stefan. I am using UbuntuStudio_16.04, Inkscape_0.92.4, and Cin_20201031_static.

I think that it is due to the last change from Inkscape_0.92.x to Inkscape_1.x. And it was been resolved for the Inkscape_1.x in git at 2020-10-17.


On my system to "solve" the "error exit status 256" problem with the SVG plugin I did the following steps:

Using the "svg.plugin" file of the Cin_20200930 on the Cin_20201031. I did a backup of "svg.plugin" of the Cin_20201031 and I copied (overwrite) the "svg.plugin" from "cinelerra-5.1-ub16.04-20200930.x86_64-static/plugins/video/" to "cinelerra-5.1-ub16.04-20201031.x86_64-static/plugins/video/".

But I think that it doesn't work for you.


As already said by Andrea_paz, I usually use Inkscape alone: open Inkscape in another Workspace (I use 4 Workspace) and create my SVG file. Then export to PNG and import to Cinelerra-GG.

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My system does not have this programme loaded, yet I am able to run Cinelerra without any issues.

