The OpenCV plugins are built only in the 64-bit tarball builds, both static and dynamic, but due to size these plugins are not included with pkgs, i.e. the System builds. However it is relatively easy to add the current plugins for your distro via a simple procedure of copying the plugins from the static tarball to the cin5 install plugin path (AppImage does not provide this capability). They are:
cin/plugins/opencv/findobj.plugin cin/plugins/opencv/flowobj.plugin cin/plugins/opencv/gaborobj.plugin cin/plugins/opencv/moveobj.plugin cin/plugins/opencv/puzzleobj.plugin cin/plugins/opencv/stylizeobj.plugin |
rm /usr/lib*/cin*/*obj.plugin).
The location for most User installs is:
Location for some System installs is:
/usr/lib/cin/plugins/video (most ubuntu distros)
/usr/lib64/cin/plugins/video (Leap distro)
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021