Always Show Next Frame

Since some users prefer the insertion pointer to reflect the same as the Compositor a choice is available. For playing forward, there is a preference option which results in what looks like 1 was added to the frame displayed in the Compositor window. To enable this mode, check the box Always show next frame, and this will be saved to .bcast5. The option checkbox is in the Settings Preferences Appearance tab and when checked, any forward plays in the Compositor window show the same frame as you would with a seek. Reverse plays and plays using a selection or In/Out pointers (with Ctrl) work the same as without this preference set. But you will no longer see the odd behavior where if you frame advance forward and then frame advance backward, the displayed frame does not change – instead it will change and look more natural. A color indicator that shows in the main track canvas timeline and the compositor timeline reminds the user which mode is currently active. The cursor in the compositor turns red for default mode and white for Always show next frame mode. The top portion of the insertion cursor in the track canvas mirrors this, with red for default and white otherwise.

Figure 17.1 using the default playing method where the frame in the compositor is the one that was just played; in this case play was in the forward direction. Note that the insertion pointer in the main track canvas shows 03:16 but the compositor show 03:15 so you know what you last saw. Also, the cursor/cursor tops in both windows is red.

Figure 17.1: "Default" mode with red cursors

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape]
\node (img1) [yshift=0cm, xshift=...
...width=1mm] (Timeline) edge ([yshift=-40mm] img1.north west);

Figure 17.2 using the Always show next frame method where the frame in the compositor is the same one that would have shown with a seek; in this case play was in the forward direction. Note that the insertion pointer in the main track canvas shows 03:16 and the compositor shows 03:16. Also, the cursor/cursor tops in both windows is white.

Figure 17.2: "Always show next frame" mode with white cursors

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape]
\node (img1) [yshift=0cm, xshift=...
...width=1mm] (Timeline) edge ([yshift=-40mm] img1.north west);

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021