Build Farm pre-built Deb and RPM packages

Especially advantageous to the way some users prefer to keep CinelerraGG updated is the build farm for CINELERRA-GG deb and rpm packages that is maintained regularly at this location It will build packages on every git change in the main repo with releases corresponding to a build date, not a git commit date. Current build hosts are Debian 12, Debian 11, Suse Leap 15.5, Fedora 38, and Ubuntu 22.04. This build farm creates packages for the latest current versions of these distros with the potential for additional distros to be added in the future. In addition, packages for some previously built dates will still be available in case you want to revert to a specific package date. You might have to install libsuil-0-0 (library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs) but you will be informed by the installation process if so.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021