How to use

The program you are profiling should be compiled debuggable with stack frame and symbols enabled.

To see help, key in:         prof -h

usage: -h [-o path] [-d] [-e] [-p libpath] [-012] [-u #] cmd args...

 -o profile output pathname, -=stdout, –=stderr
 -d debug otitleutput enabled
 -e child debug output enabled
 -p specify path for
 -0 usr+sys cpu timer intervals (sigprof)
 -1 usr only cpu timer intervals (sigvtalrm)
 -2 real time timer intervals (sigalrm)
 -u profile timer interval in usecs

To execute the profiler, key in:

prof -o /tmp/prof_list.txt ./cin

where /tmp/prof_list.txt is the output file and in this case cin is the CINELERRA-GG binary file. The pid of this command will be displayed on the startup window. This comes in handy in the use case where there is a lot of initial load and possible configuration setup inside of CINELERRA-GG and you want to profile plugins and not necessarily all of the setup steps. Then you can use the following command in another window to continue running CINELERRA-GG and obtain the more useful information:

kill -USR1 pid

Running this command refreshes the memory maps used for profiling. When you are profiling a plugin, you want to run this AFTER the plugin loads.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021