Logical Group

The output color is the component-wise minimum value of the source and destination colors. There is no SVG or Gimp equivalent math formula.
The output color is the component-wise maximum value of the source and destination colors. There is no SVG or Gimp equivalent math formula.
Selects the lighter of the destination and source colors. The destination is replaced with the source when the source is lighter, otherwise it is left unchanged. Completely black layers have no effect on the final image and completely white layers result in a white image. Math formula is the same as used by SVG and Gimp's lighten only.
Selects the darker of the destination and source colors. The destination is replaced with the source when the source is darker, otherwise it is left unchanged. Completely white layers have no effect on the final image and completely black layers result in a black image. Math formula is the same as used by SVG and Gimp's darken only.
This operation intersects source and destination. If either image is not white, it down factors the other image. Usually you will end up with a lot of darker areas. There is no SVG or Gimp equivalent math formula.
This operation is the union of the source and the destination. If either image is not black, it adds to the other image. Usually you will end up with a lot of lighter areas. Math formula is the same as that used by “Screen” operation in SVG; there is no Gimp equivalent.
The union of the source and destination with the intersection removed. Results in black if they are equal. Shapes are made transparent where both overlap, and drawn normal everywhere else. Math formula used is that used by Porter-Duff; there is no Gimp equivalent and SVG formula differs.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021