Recover Mixer Windows

It is a hazard that you might accidentally undo (z or Ctrl-z) too far and lose your mixer windows. Here are the steps to recover. It is recommended that you make a backup of your project before performing the recovery steps just in case there are other problems.

In the patchbay box to the left of the main timeline, there is a right pointing arrow on the right side. This is called the Expander (figure 6.11). When you click on each expander, another line appears below that expander arrow and the timeline track height is slightly increased. If you Shift-click on a single expander, the patchbay will expand for all of the tracks.

Figure 6.11: Mixer patchbay
Image mixer-patchbay01

  1. Expand all of the patchbay lines, either one by one, or Shift-click on one to do them all. This is so you can see the mixer right pointing arrow on the second expanded line.
  2. Use the Window pulldown and choose Mixer Viewer to bring up a new mixer window. Now you will be making an association between the mixer viewer and the track’s video.
  3. Click on the new mixer window to make sure it is highlighted with a white border. This designates it as the in use mixer viewer.
  4. Set your play to the beginning of the video using the Home key or Home transport button.
  5. In the patchbay for a video track click on the mixer arrow on the expanded 2nd line which is a right facing arrow. Now the arrow will point up. If there are audio tracks with that video, click on each of its audio tracks mixer arrow until they point up also.
  6. Next move your insertion pointer on the timeline where there is video. Some of the time this just helps so that the new mixer viewer window gets redrawn and you can see that the images appear; but the image may not appear until the program does a redraw later. Now the mixer viewer should be correctly associated. Note if you have large video, give it some time to update. You may have to click on the mixer viewer window if the image does not show. You can always start over with that mixer if you encountered any problems.
  7. Click the arrows that are pointing up in that video and its audio so they go back to pointing right. That mixer viewer is complete so you need to do this to make sure the mixer arrows are off.

Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each of the mixer viewers you need going down the patchbay starting on step 2 first with Mixer 1, then 2 to 7 steps for Mixer 2, then again run 2 to 7 for Mixer 3 and so on.

Sometimes the association does not stick initially. If not, highlight the mixer viewer with the problem, change the mixer arrows to point up, and reassociate.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021