Any idea why Cin Appimages will not start on MX Linux, neither the Xfce desktop nor KDE? I tried about 6, but when I tried other Appimages including Kdenlive, Shotcut and Olive they all worked.
That is a surprise but I have to idea. I will ask MatN as he is much more versatile on this subject then I am and may be has MX Linux loaded.
If you got any error messages, could you paste them here?
Which version of MxLinux are you using? Latest stable version is 19.4 .
If you start the AppImage from a terminal, do you see any error messages?
I tested on MxLinux 19.4, fully updated then booted just before the test, 64 bit, kernel 4.19.0-5-amd64.
The CinGG-20210831-x86_64-older_distros.AppImage started (from a terminal window) fine, the CinGG-20210831-x86_64.AppImage and CinGG-20210831-multibit.AppImage did not, due to missing (newer) libraries. This is exactly which this "older" version is there. I was running inside a VirtualBox VM, but for this that should not matter.
It might be that if you have the updated MxLinux with 5.10 kernel the newer ones might work.
I was testing the latest live image of MX Linux, 19.4, while considering a possible distro change. It never occurred to me to try the older distros version of Cin, 19.4 being the latest MX, so why should it? I had mounted the Manjaro home folder and simply tried one or two appimages, the non-Cin ones just to make sure Appimages would work on MX.
Thanks Mat, it worked, the older distros version starts.
Phyllis, I did try from a terminal after Mat suggested it and got quite a lengthy error message, but as it's live distro it would be a PITA to set up to post here. In essence, it is a list of missing libraries.
Thanks for a speedy solution.
@dejay "Older" refers to the libraries available in a system. The kernel version is a good guide for that. It does not matter that MX 19.4 cames out 6 months ago, but that it uses kernel 4.19 and associated libraries, like libc . That still matters even though the AppImage includes quite a lot of libraries already. Debian (from which MX is a direct implementation as far as I know) goes for stability, not the latest-and-greatest, therefore has older, longer tested, software.
Understood Mat, I guess I have been spoilt by being a Manjaro user for several years and expecting the latest of everything.
Thanks again and thanks Phyllis.