Hello everyone 🙂
is it possible to reverse the mouse wheel function for scroll and zoom?
As far as I know, not from within Cinelerra. However, in searching on the internet, it seems like you can from Ubuntu
1. Go to “System Setting -> Input Devices -> Mouse”.
2. Check the box “Reverse Scrolling Direction”.
3. Click Apply.
It might be possible for you to put this in a script to use when starting Cinelerra.
Thank you for your replies!
I'm using LXDE which doesn't have this option.
I have to look if I can configure the mouse via shell.
edit: I tried this which works:
echo "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12" > ~/.Xmodmap && xmodmap .Xmodmap
But the restore fails. It keeps reversed. Only reboot helps.
I "think" the options are saved in a file in:
which should always be in effect after initial reboot. Look for the word "Button". But you have to be careful to not make a mistake in this file or things could stop working!