No audio sound in m...
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No audio sound in multitrack editing

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Hi, everyone...

I'm trying to do multicam editing in Cinelerra gg. I can align the three audio tracks (and video)  and then I go to play to perform the multicam editing by double clicking to select. Everything goes fine, except for a big issue to me:  I can't hear audio while playing to select and insert by double click the selected mixer.

That is: I can do the multicam editing but while doing I get no audio sound, so I haven't any audio reference. I can only select the needed parts of any of the clips by viewing the mixers.

Am I missing something?

I would appreciate any hint or help on this.

thank you


PhyllisSmith 24/07/2020 1:12 pm


The audio does not play because you would not be able to distinguish which camera is playing what since all would be playing simultaneously just like all of the video is playing simultaneously in the mini-viewers.

I will see if there is a workaround that can be used.

PhyllisSmith 24/07/2020 1:20 pm


Well, really I am an idiot!  All you have to do is enable "Play Track" in the patchbay to the left of the timeline for the audio track that you want to hear.  It is below the big red disarm --  the first icon which looks like a right-facing arrow and has the "tooltip" when you mouse over it of "Play Track".

10 respuestas
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First of all, thank you very much Phyllis. 

On the other side, while trying, at first I've got a weird behaviour: that is, when I do the edit by double clicking the aligned mixer to insert selection in the main track, the audio goes out of sync in the next clip as I go to the next selection. If I go back to the begining of the track then I have sync again. 

I've solved this issue by using proxy clips, so that means that my computer is not enough powerful. With proxy clips the audio don't get out of sync. 

One more thing if you can help me on this: Usually, I have a three camera shot and the audio was from another source. So I have to sync this "spare" audio track by hand ( plain sight, I mean), because it is not possible (or, better said, I cant find the way to) get this alone audio track in the mixer and align as well as I do with the audio+video tracks.

From the resources window I can right click "open in mixer" the alone audio trac,k but it doesn't show in a new mixer, as expected.

Anyway, thank you so much for your kind help.





You have to manually connect the mixer viewer with the mixer button in the patchbay. See if the following tutorial can help you:

Topic starter

Thank you. That do the trick.  Here it is my workflow to multicam editing with an audio track that is recorded from another source.

Sorry for my English. Hope the interested ones understand my workflow. And please, everyone feel free to correct any mistake.

Open cinelerra -> that creates an empty video track and two audio tracks.
1.- Load multimedia files
2.- Settings (ajustes) proxy-settings -> Mark use scale and select scale 1/2 and automatic proxy -> load
3.- Wait till progress bar at bottom right of the main window finishes to create and load proxy clips in Resources-> proxy
4.- Go again to resources and Multimedia sources. Next RMB click and select open in mixers. This creates new tracks and loads it. Be sure that the Proxy clips (green P) are in use.
5.- Audio -> add track (my master audio track is mono, because there are only voices and no music) -> Let suposse this new track is audio 9.
6.- Drag your master audio track to the new audio track (audio 9)
7.- Open wiew -> mixer -> view mixer
8.- Click in the new mixer to select it (appears a white box inside) and afterwards expand the master audio track (audio 9).
9.- Click into the expanded track (audio 9) and, while maintaining the new created mixer selected, click on the arrow on the left that appears when expanding the track, and click on it to get it pointing upwards. That hooks the new mixer whith the audio 9 track (in our example). Next lock this track as well.
10.- Select with the bracket tool "[]" an audio fragment in audio 9 and afterwards click on "a" to select all the tracks.
11.- With all the tracks selected (only the three top ones that are empty, are disarmed), select-> wiew -> mixers -> align mixers
12.- Select as master track your main audio track (audio 9 in our example). It is important to note the position of this track because you want to move all the other clips to the right to get aligned with the main audio track (9). In short: the selected fragment should be more to the right than the rest of this same fragment on the other clips/tracks. Move this track to the right if you need it. The idea behind is to allow the other tracks move to the right in order to get them aligned.
13.- In the align mixer dialog select first adjust. Wait to the program do its work. You can see de progress bar at the bottom right of the main window.
14.- Then click on the apply button. The tracks will move to the right and align.
15.- In our main audio 9, click on the arrow that is beside the lock to turn in green (if it is not). That enable audio and you can ear the audio, while editing.
16.- Position the windows mixers in a position you are confortable with and next in the main window go with the cursor to the begining of the timeline.
17.- Click on play (space bar) and stop when you want to insert the portion of the track you want to in the main track. You do this by double clicking in the mixer.
18.- Go on starting, stopping and double clicking to insert new portions of the clips in the main track.
19.- When you finish arm only the main video track and your main audio track (9 in our example).
20.- Go to tracks -> delete tracks and you will have only one video track and one audio track (remember in that example, my main audio track is mono).
And that is.
One more useful think to keep in mind is that you can edit the new main track and adjust the begining or ending of every clip without disturbing the audio and the position of the other clips.
Lets suposse that you're not happy with the cut between the three and the fourth clip.

Perhaps you want to have five more fotograms in the clip three and five minus in the fourth clip. Position the cursos arrow between the two clips and, when the arrows shows click the middle button of your mouse and drag to the direction you want to enlarge that particular clip and shorten the other one.
Note: if you have a two button mouse, usually clicking both right and left click at once, this emulate the third button.

To render, do not forget to dissable de P (proxy) in the main program window.


PhyllisSmith 08/09/2020 7:36 pm


Just would like to verify that it is acceptable to you to include your workflow in the Manual in the "Real World" usage section?  It is great and would be very helpful to others.  Please reply here either way and thanks in advance for a response.

armando Topic starter 09/09/2020 6:35 am

Yes, very glad to contribute, phyllis.



Great, thanks for your workflow.
If you have cameras and audio recording capable of handling timecodes, in the next release at the end of July, there is the new feature of audio/video sync via timecode. Only one click instead of Align Mixers pipeline!

PS: if you have publicly available videos, I would be curious to see the result of a multicam editing done with Cinelerra-GG.

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At present I'm only beta testing with Cinelerra. I was doing my editing in Kdenlive but multicam is a nightmare. I've changed to Lightworks (paid version) because linux and multicam. Not so easy but workable. In Ligthworks there was a timecode multicam feature, but I don't remember why I can't take advantage of it (perhaps my canon cameras doesn't allow) I don't remember.

I own 3 Dslr cameras (two Canon 750D and one canon 700D) and, as the sound captured by them is not so good I get a Taskcam recorder and an Akg mic for the audio of my videos. Usually I fine tune the audio in audacity before add to my videos.

 If you (or anyone) are interested I can record myself doing a magic trick (I'm professional magician) with the three shot cameras and the audio in separate files and upload the four files whenever you want so the people can download and try multicam editing with them.

I usually take the tree clasical shots: my head, my body,  and my hands.

So tell me about.

Great forum, and great help community, by the way






If you (or anyone) are interested I can record myself doing a magic trick (I'm professional magician) with the three shot cameras and the audio in separate files and upload the four files whenever you want so the people can download and try multicam editing with them.

Yes, PLEASE! you can email me [email protected] with a shared place for me to download the files or whatever works for you.   We could really use these for showing others and testing + a magic trick would be great fun for us to see.  Also, I hope it is OK to document your workflow for others?

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Let me have this week to do the record. Hope this will be useful for our Cinelerra community.  I will perform and record a very short magic trick. I can upload de "raw" files (two mp4 files -750D cameras-) one mov (the 700D) and one wav (the taskam audio).

Also I will record the three cameras pressing the record button one by one to get the audio out of sync. Ussually I have the three cameras recording at once with an IR remote control. So, the one that record the .mov is the only with  the audio unsynced.  And of course, the separate audio file .wav from the tascam recorder.




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Files sent to Pyillis.




Armando, thanks for your workflow and multicam material (I love to see professional magicians at work!). Try downloading the manual and go to appendix section D. If you have any corrections or changes to propose do not hesitate to let us have them

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As soon as I have a little spare time for sure I'll check it out. 🙂 🙂 
