Registrado: Dic 2, 2018
Última vez visto el: Sep 14, 2024
Temas: 138 / Respuestas: 276
RISPONDI: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming?

@jin Phyllis uses Fedora, we will hear if she can reproduce the crash.However, I use Arch Linux (Rolling Release) so my test is not very reliable. ...

hace 2 años
RISPONDI: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming?

@jin A good reference to learn about the history of CinGG is here:The wikipedia page is also done very well:One can also see its troubled history o...

hace 2 años
RE: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming?

@jin Don't worry, all your points are correct (thanks also for the advice to put the link to Cut and Trim, I will do that as soon as possible).The ...

hace 2 años
RE: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming?

@jin Cut or Split in CinGG is different from other NLEs. CinGG has an internal timeline optimization that causes two adjacent frames to merge into ...

hace 2 años
Answer to: How to make a bounding box around a picture-in-picture?

An image of what CinGG looks like with all plugins active (Thanks to IgorBeg):

hace 2 años
RE: Histogramm broken at Render

@dejay OT: I like your explanation of the use of keyframes. I would like to put it in the manual as an example of real-world workflow. Would you ca...

hace 2 años
RE: List of programs for Audio/Video/Graphics

I agree with you. It is difficult to get out of one's "bias" to explore other things.

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Respuestas: 2
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Respuestas: 3
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RE: Proxies vs intermediate codecs; other proxy questions

@blueskies3 Unfortunately, all Open Source NLEs have problems with GPU acceleration. Only big companies with lots of experienced programmers in vid...

hace 2 años
Answer to: Proxies vs intermediate codecs; other proxy questions

Just a note to say that in CinGG the Transcode feature is not complete. It originates within creating proxies, as a way to do 1:1 proxies. For example...

hace 2 años
RE: Video stabilization

@dejay You can try using ffmpeg vidstab filter with the option "stab=fixed" which is called tripod mode. Be careful it is not the "deshake" filter ...

hace 2 años
RE: Video stabilization

@dejay In theory the parameter to use would be "Previous frame same block" (in Motion plugin); but I don't think it is easy to get good results. If...

hace 2 años
Answer to: Are Tiff layers recognised by Cinelerra and is compressed 32 bit float better than uncompressed 16 bit?

I don't think CinGG supports graphical layers, but I've never actually tested it. Maybe Andrew, looking at the code, could find out.For Mask tool, I d...

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