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Registrado: Abr 16, 2019
Última vez visto el: Jul 27, 2021
Temas: 0 / Respuestas: 6
Answer to: Set Proxy Subdirectory

This script works to move the JPEG Sequences into a "proxy" subdirectory. I have it added as a Thunar Custom Action, so it works for the time being. ...

hace 3 años
RE: Set Proxy Subdirectory

I feel like an environment variable would be a bit obtuse for something that could wind up being project specific (if working collaboratively), but I ...

hace 3 años
Respuestas: 4
Vistas: 1690
RE: The Incontinentals - "Brandy"

Very nice. There was maybe just a little too much cutting towards the middle, but overall it was very well mastered and edited.

hace 5 años
Answer to: Which software is used for VFX?

Largely Blender in the Open Source community.

hace 5 años
hace 5 años
Respuestas: 2
Vistas: 2323