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Registrado: Jul 24, 2021
Última vez visto el: Jul 25, 2021
Temas: 0 / Respuestas: 4
Answer to: Adding videos with different aspect ratios

guys, I was able to uncover what was wrong with my setup! For some reason, in the Project Settings, it was set 1920x1080 and Aspect Ratio 1:1! It mu...

hace 3 años
Answer to: Adding videos with different aspect ratios

As I mentioned in my previous post, when I used a 400x400px square, it did not maintain the proper aspect ratio either. And I dont understand why we h...

hace 3 años
Answer to: Adding videos with different aspect ratios

I'm attaching a screenshot to demonstrate. Loaded square image 400x400 into 1920x1080 project. Screenshot

hace 3 años
Respuestas: 8
Vistas: 1833