Active Member
Registrado: Feb 16, 2020
Última vez visto el: Feb 17, 2020
Temas: 0 / Respuestas: 5
RE: Join multiple sources into one without reencode to feed Sphere Cam plugin?

@phyllissmith Its easy to get to the rest of the forum; go up to the top right corner and tell it you speak another language than English. I think my ...

hace 5 años
RE: Old BSD and cinelerra-cv user new to Cinelerra-GG

As for clarification of me staying on FreeBSD, at the time it was simpler about various things as I was mentioning. I found it was more stable and had...

hace 5 años
RE: Old BSD and cinelerra-cv user new to Cinelerra-GG

Contacted him in email some months ago. Found previous notes on the web he was working on porting -cv and he said he ported -gg thinking it was the ne...

hace 5 años
Respuestas: 6
Vistas: 2217