Última vez visto el: Ene 28, 2025
@DeJay @Andrew_R Never considered this consequence before. Google has gotten a little "too big" but I remember the time when we were using Yahoo ...
Interesting. Not too sure about the "moving bicycle" as I am not sure it can really move backwards but with Cinelerra you can certainly make it do so!...
@igorbeg EXCELLENT ! thank you.
@marso I am a little rusty on grouping so tried to duplicate your scenario to find the solution but ran out of time. @IgorBeg and @andreapaz are ...
@blueskies3 Too tough for me. Tried to figure this out but just struggled. Hopefully, Igor and/or Andrea can shed some light on this (and maybe p...
@Gerd @IgorBeg Because of time zones, this was late in getting approved so be patient for a response. IgorBeg is an expert on proxies, so hopeful...
@blueskies Thanks for the followup. Sounds like all is GOOD! and there is no code bug for me to worry about.
@blueskies3 Just addressing a couple of things until you reply to IgorBeg and he has a chance to reply. I'm not sure why my project was not set ...
@IgorBeg @andreapaz Thanks Igor for explaining this. I have added this usage hint to the manual. (Andrea please review the checked in change and...
@rminavesi Using MKV with the same parameters preserves the 16:9 aspect ratio when I test that too. I used the program "mediainfo" to verify that ...
@rminavesi I can not reproduce the problem you are seeing. Which render format are you using? Perhaps it is changed due to that format requirements...
@AVLinux If you change the color from the default of pink to white, it is also easier to see. You do this in the Window pulldown Show Overlays and ...
@AVLinux - as far as I know there is no way to increase their size unless you change the Layout Size in Settings->Preferences, Appearance tab whic...
@Jin "I have a nicely reproducible coredump when hitting the "Fit all autos to display" button in my project." We need the exact set of steps ...
@Jin A late response from @andreapaz that I am posting because there is other information included. I too, like fary54, think that what you need i...