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Registrado: Ago 10, 2020
Última vez visto el: Nov 19, 2020
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RE: SVG - video-effect // import as a resource

Thanks for your replies.I'm not exactly sure wich version of Cinelerra I use. It is Cinelerra GG - Infinity, built: 31 october 2020Inkscape is 1.0.1. ...

hace 4 años
RE: SVG - video-effect // import as a resource

Thanks for your replies.I studied the problem again, and add a screenshot here. The problem starts when I drag the effect to the timeline.And whatev...

hace 4 años
RE: SVG - video-effect // import as a resource

@phylsmith2004 and @andreapaz, thanks for your replies.I tried both ways (and now retried SVG via Inkscape)Even by dragging the effect to the timeline...

hace 4 años
Respuestas: 11
Vistas: 2587
RE: Mirror/Flip a clip

Thank you, Phyllis and Andrea.The 'Flip' was what I needed.I admit... I scrolled through the effects... but was a bit lazy to find to right one.

hace 5 años
Respuestas: 3
Vistas: 2219