Eminent Member
Registrado: Dic 13, 2018
Última vez visto el: Jul 13, 2024
Temas: 4 / Respuestas: 24
Answer to: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@phyllissmith > Other CinGG required settings to take care of PAL SD 576i50 and HDV 1080i50?OK, I looked at the next note from the white paper. J...

hace 4 años
RE: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

@phyllissmith > So to use the 3 version for HQ, in the box below switch the line "profile=2" to "profile=3". Sorry, I tried but didn't find out...

hace 4 años
RE: Learning to encode ProRes 422 (HQ)

Attached ProRes_Data_Rates  ProRes_Data_Rates.pdf

hace 4 años
Respuestas: 15
Vistas: 3756
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@dejay Just a thougt from me. If I understood you right, rendering to ProRes was ok from other NLE. Just try to read in one such ok ProRes file type...

hace 4 años
Answer to: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@dejay Ok, You have rendered (encoded) to ProRes using ffmeg via CinGG. Have you tested to import a "pre-generated"  ProRes file from another...

hace 4 años
RE: Loss of highlight detail part 2

@dejay As I also want to use ProRes as an intermediate visual lossless codec to preserve legacy SD and HDV video, I am just curious how you encoded ...

hace 4 años
Answer to: DeckLink video capture and playback cards and software

To get more information about the Decklink software, I downloaded the Desktop Video 11.6 and its SDK for Linux from the developer page/p> The rpm pa...

hace 4 años
Answer to: DeckLink video capture and playback cards and software

Fine. Possibly the last mentioned allround model Studio 4k And here the ffmpeg doc (sorry for my somewhat primitive phone typing 🤒 )

hace 4 años
Answer to: DeckLink video capture and playback cards and software

Card models for SD and HD video seems to be Mini Recorder and Mini Monitor, while Studio 4k also handles analog I/O. There are some ffmpeg docs for ...

hace 4 años
Respuestas: 5
Vistas: 4108
RE: Tutorials [ITA]

Yes, it could be interesting to see what DeepL manages. I think even for tutorials in English, it could be useful for non-English native speakers to r...

hace 6 años
RE: Tutorials [ITA]

Hi, Is there any possibility to add optional text in English ? Terje

hace 6 años
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