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Arch User: Installation - suggest you use AUR

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After trying the Arch User Install for Cinelerra where you modify the pacman.conf file, that failed with missing libraries. Then I tried git install using git clone. Failed to compile with errors.
Troubleshooting either of the above is above my pay grade at the moment.

So, on to the AUR (Arch User Repository)
I installed yay, then did yay -S cin-git, which should install Cinelerra-GG.

Let's see how that goes.   

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for Arch there are dependencies that are not installed automatically. Their absence leads to installation errors. Check if you have all the dependencies on this file:

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Yes, I read the instructions for Arch and those are all installed, also ran across python2 missing and possibly openexr missing. Compiling. Again 😉

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For compilig from Git I use the follows steps:

$ git clone --depth 1 "git://" cinelerra5
$ cd /home/USER/cinelerra5/cinelerra-5.1
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-oss --with-single-user --with-booby
$ make && make install 2>&1 | tee cin5.log

And starting from terminal:

$ /home/UDER/cinelerra5/cinelerra-5.1/bin/./cin

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I still got errors compiling the AUR. I am going to create a new VM, install the dependencies from:

and then try the git method you used, as I see you added some switches I did not know about.

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Old Cinelerra-CV was taken out of Arch's repository:
The same goes for Cinelerra-GG.
I do not recommend using cin-git from AUR, for the same reasons expressed in the email.
It's better to compile ourselves by git or use the binaries prepared every month by GG.
Note that not using Arch's repositories doesn't lead to problems; we don't even have to be root for the installation!

About my ./config:

This is from GG. Actually, it works for me without it.

Never used the OSS sound server; I take it out, but leaving it is the same. --with-single-user
Recommended by GG (and manual)

Serves GG: in case of problems provides additional info in the log.

Note: instead of using my steps, after downloading and entering the CinGG folder, you can run the GG script:


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Hi there,

on Arch I faced the problem, that usually between two releases of cin-gg the one or another video or sound lib gets updated and cin-gg won't start.

Now I download the static single user build and leave the latest version in my download directory. I wrote a script that roughly does this:

1. checks if in my /tmp directory is already an extracted version of cin-gg
2. if so: start the cin-gg instance from /tmp
2. if not: extract cin-gg into /tmp and start it

So, I know there could be much more sophisticated features, because the script assumes that there is only one file starting with "cinelerra" in the download directory. But it does what it should and I keep the last running version and rename it to "old_cinelerra..." before downloading the new release.

If you find it helpful feel free to use the script and you may want to adjust the directory to copy cin-gg from and the directory where cin-gg is extracted. And make sure you have the programs installed to extract txz files and untar them.




# check if cin-gg is already extracted
if [ ! -f "/tmp/cinelerra/cin" ]; then
  # extract cinlerra
  mkdir /tmp/cinelerra
  cp ~/Downloads/cinelerra-*.txz /tmp
  xz --decompress /tmp/cinelerra-*.txz
  tar -xf /tmp/cinelerra*.tar -C /tmp/cinelerra
  rm /tmp/cinelerra-*.tar

# start cinelerra

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Thanks for sharing as this should prove useful to other Arch users.  The day before we do the builds on the last day of the month, we make it a point to upgrade our Arch O/S so that at least for 1 day! it is in synch.  Unfortunately, unless a user builds CinGG themselves on an as needed basic, when Arch updates certain libraries between the monthly builds it can break Cinelerra.

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If anyone is interested, I have created an AUR package for Cinelerra as an AppImage, just search the AUR for cin-appimage.

I had to remove Cinelerra from my distro because the regular binary missing dependencies in Arch. The AppImage as a package works really well, I include it in my little distro, the nice thing of installing an appimage as a package, is that to the user, the interaction is the same. I find appimages to be a great alternative to complex/larger applications.

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Of course, we and the users will be interested ! Thanks for the update.
