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Old BSD and cinelerra-cv user new to Cinelerra-GG

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Back in 2004 I was trying out FreeBSD after about 2 years of Linux use. From then to 2014 I had off/on tried to get Cinelerra working there. Though I had some success with the -cv variant, I was never happy with my results and knew I needed to fire up a Linux box to compare some results but would never get around to it. Recently found someone had 1. created a Cinelerra port and 2. it was of the GG variant that didn't exist as of my last work. Guess someday I need to review my previous patches to see what, if any, are still relevant and look into new things like proxy editing which in initial testing hasn't seemed to work. In any case I'm glad to see Cinelerra still living on with new development and seems the GG community jumps on top of bugs too.

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That is an interesting note you left.  I have often wondered what the attraction of FreeBSD is but it seems to live on!  Not sure which ports you have found but Yuri created a port in about July 2018 that was working at that time on that operating system version.  Yuri requested a patch update in January 2020 but I do not know where he went with that.

   FREEBSD – courtesy Yuri
   # There is a port available at: https://www.freshports.org/multimedia/cinelerra-gg/
   # To use this port: cd /usr/ports/multimedia/cinelerra-gg && make install clean
   # and then install this precompiled package via: pkg install cinelerra-gg

Meanwhile, GG developed a new patch for the current level of FreeBSD operating system and checked it into the GIT repository on the website and also a tar file for easy installation directions are at:


But there are limitations in the BSD version due to differences from Linux and unavailable or inconsistent librariess.  If you have any suggestions or input, please pass them along as we are often clueless in certain areas.


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Contacted him in email some months ago. Found previous notes on the web he was working on porting -cv and he said he ported -gg thinking it was the next evolution/development path or some such. I went to FreeBSD from Linux when my good computer friend who used it would only answer my question of "Why FreeBSD instead of Linux" with handing me a copy of FreeBSD. At the time I was compiling my own kernel with copy of alsa to get my audio 1. working and 2. mixing multiple sources at the same time for playback. Also compiling my own copies of Wine and a few other things. All that compiling was me finding out the commands to download, extract, configure, build, install then save em in a .sh to periodically run against a newer copy of downloaded source code. On FreeBSD I found that audio worked out of the box, with mixing, with their copy of(?) oss instead of alsa (alsa was still new and very much in a transition state and not everything worked right with it through either alsa or oss interfaces). Now I could easily compile many things from source code so i could make (=break) binaries with obviously better compiler options (-03 is NOT a safe default for GCC, nor is -O0 nor many other little flags you would think perfectly safe).

https://www.freshports.org/multimedia/cinelerra-gg/ make it sound like cinelerra-gg isn't available to others now on FreeBSD with scheduled expiration in days and that Yuri is still the contact. Seems the download source https://git.cinelerra-gg.org/git/?p=goodguy/cinelerra.git;a=snapshot;h=502b6f3b6fd04f6b01c6d70dcb81aa304dd0db1c;sf=tgz;dummy=/ is no longer available that was being used.

I have some old notes of a few things known not to work but not sure what will be different with the gg codebase and Yuri's porting effort. Is there any currently known list? Is this the best place to discuss these things, mailing list better, or something else?

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As for clarification of me staying on FreeBSD, at the time it was simpler about various things as I was mentioning. I found it was more stable and had better performance on my old P4 in various ways compared to Linux at the time. I've enjoyed various good features of their own like the oss type sound system with sound mixing built in and externally developed features that come stock like dtrace and zfs. The disadvantage was a few things missing like cinelerra, lilypond (I recall trying to help revive the port in some way but don't remember if I helped or just wasted time) rosegarden (only a really old port existed when I went looking for it), midi hardware support, etc. There have been ups and downs from things I need having their ports tree entry (or a dependency) broken/removed, some bugs that have come and gone, 'features' of their own or the Linux world making changes that don't work out so well for me. Someday I'll get around to several bigger changes of redoing my filesystem layout and such but lazyness is a big part of my personal computing which takes good motivation for me to do anything that seems like even momentary work when it is for myself.

I used to do a lot of programming years before all this but it was mostly in basic on atari where I learned (8088/80286 were more a thing by the time I had access to the atari and learning materials though) and on graphing calculators. I took classes on c/c++ (wanted to learn but still don't know how to get into a good flow with learning/using it), pascal (didn't care if I learned it or not) and java (thought I wanted to learn it but became more and more disgusted with it as I used it combined with how school courses around it went), assembly (like basic, learning from some books and reading other code; so hard to find anything worth reading on it though) and a few others likely not of any significance.

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Well, not sure the best place to discuss this but with the kinds of things you do, you might want to join the Mailing List instead as your information at this time is more on the Advanced level of compiling/building rather than the Artistic level.  But that is up to you.  Just some commentary:

1) Oss works with FreeBSD and at least on our build system, we never took time to get alsa to work as it was not included in the default install of BSD. We have too many Linux build systems to keep maintained so FreeBSD is kind of "as is"!

2) The only reason a FreeBSD Cinelerra was done is because Yuri contacted GG (goodguy) and asked for a patch.  The current patch in the CinelerraGG GIT repository is the same one provided to Yuri at this time.  In July 2017, Yuri provided that original version patch to GG and there was a lot of going back and forth to get it working.

3) CinelerraGG gets monthly updates so it quickly gets out of date with FreeBSD and all of its updates.  I am not sure what Yuri plans are going forward so that is why we put a link on our website to the tarball GG created.  If he gets a port going, we will provide a link to his then as many users prefer a package install.

4) If you download the CinelerraGG GIT repository, you will see a blds directory under the main cinelerra directory, and it has a bsd.bld and bsd.patch file so you can build yourself (since you seem to have gotten really good at that).  There are some instructions in the Documentation user manual available on the website.


I will check my notes to see what is missing from BSD over Linux Cinelerra version or will ask GG.

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Rosegarden is great! I don't know why it is not maintained.  It quit working awhile back here but GG got it going again -- we use it with a Yamaha keyboard.  C/c++ are hard to learn but I can use it enough to help a little with trivial things in CinelerraGG, like translations and plugin window sizes.  Having worked with old-school Fortran, I could never get my brain switched to c/c++.

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Some things that will not work with FreeBSD CinelerraGG are sort of listed in the bsd.bld script to include:

--without-lv2 --disable-lame --disable-twolame \
--with-oss --without-alsa --without-firewire --without-dv --without-dvb \
--without-video4linux2 --without-xxf86vm --without-ladspa-build \
--without-libzmpeg --without-commercial --without-thirdparty \
--without-vaapi --without-vdpau --without-shuttle \
--without-x10tv --without-wintv

The most concerning is "without-thirdparty" which means that the ffmpeg version installed on BSD will be the version used, instead of the one that has been explicitly tested with Cinelerra.  Same thing for any of the thirdparty libraries (in the thirdparty directory) such as libwebp, dav1d, giflib, libjpeg and openjpeg.
