Reputable Member
Inscription: Nov 11, 2018
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Sujets: 5 / Réponse: 237
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM The one thing we have not ruled out is Wayland. Although we tried this about 1 year ago, just once, we have no experience with it. Maybe whe...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@lfom Could you use the static tar instead of the package install for Arch? Meanwhile we have been trying to come up with what the problem is. It...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM Just in case in was not obvious from the technical flavor of the last post, it was written by GG instead of the less than technical me. The ...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

There is a serious resource contention of some kind. Memory is the first and most critical demand that is needed for proper operation. There are a...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM I finally dragged out GG and dragged out a smaller laptop and we spent several hours trying to get bad results similar to that you show in you...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Another Youtube video on CinGG (French)

@pierre I read it (well actually I had it translated) -- very nicely said.

Il y a 5 ans
Answer to: New videoscope

@DeJay Thanks for the feedback on the Videoscope. We are still working to improve it and gg has looked at the original HV version to see what the d...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Another Youtube video on CinGG (French)

Excellent coverage of a complete process without getting so technical that a new user could not follow it. And, yes, I really liked the chicken but I...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

OK, gg and I took an initial look at your video but will have to check it much more closely. BTW - I really like the green circle that shows when you...

Il y a 5 ans
Answer to: The new videoscope built into the compositor

In my statistical report, it is very important to note that I had Video Driver set to X11 and NOT OpenGL. When driver is OpenGL with my graphics card...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: The new videoscope built into the compositor

@olaf Because it is a serial process.  First, it reads an image and then does the calculation so it has to wait to show the next image until th...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: The new videoscope built into the compositor

@olaf Handling and calculating the data shown on the Videoscope is CPU intensive. BUT the good news is, if you compare using the Videoscope on the...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Tutorials [Esp]

By RafaMar -- Very thorough explanation of using Masks to include with keyframes, which some users may not be aware of their usefulness in conjunction...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM We are not familiar with actually using any of the other NLE's and purposely stay away from them so we do not copy their work. But It is OK t...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM I forgot to provide feedback on this suggestion -- "to add an option to only show the first and/or last frame for each clip in the timeline" -...

Il y a 5 ans
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