Reputable Member
Inscription: Nov 11, 2018
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Sujets: 5 / Réponse: 237
Answer to: How not to make mistakes when doing multitrack editing?

@skinkie About /p> Right now adding a new Video track always goes on the top and adding a new Audio track goes on the bottom. GG would really ...

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RE: How not to make mistakes when doing multitrack editing?

@skinkie\ Good!  I downloaded them.  They will help to see if we can do something to alleviate the problems.

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Answer to: How Audio tracks are displayed, can it be improved?

@dankinzelman Just a quick note that a new feature has been added to provide a DAW-like capability for stereo/multiple audio tracks. It has been di...

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Answer to: How not to make mistakes when doing multitrack editing?

@skinkie OK, I believe that what we have been working on will get you what you expect. Let me warn you though -- TESTING and QUALITY CONTROL at thi...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Timeline: Rearrange Tracks order

@gVlk Yes, the function name is "Move Up" / "Move Down" and not exchange tracks. This was a correction just checked into GIT. The only time you wi...

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Answer to: Subframe audio editing

@skinkie Absolutely let us know. We do have a Bug Tracker / Feature request which is better for that than the forum, but if you are more comfortabl...

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Answer to: Subframe audio editing

@skinkie Good that you solved your own problem! I will check the manual to see if your solution is explained somewhere. Our goal is to fix any cr...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Tutorials [Esp]

This next professional Chapter 15 by RafaMar, the audio/video technician, explains how to add black bands to your video to give it a more cinematic to...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: how to use cover rectangle video effect?

@ferdna Yes, on the left hand side there is a mask icon (third symbol down) in the Compositor window to create a specific "box" shape.  You can...

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RE: Multiple GPUs / HW device selection / FFStream decode debugging / nvidea eGPU / VDPAU

@ig0r Awesome new card! We have gotten side-tracked on other more pressing issues but I would say that you do not need to keep the 970 card as any t...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Generators?

@lfom "And please do not forget about snapping" -- it is already on the list as BT #393.

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Generators?

@LFOM @MatN I added to the Issue Tracker, a feature request to add Generators. BT # 449. Eventually someone will be motivated to do this (or all...

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RE: Generators?

@LFOM In the last few years so many things have been added that were not in the original design so it has been difficult to add them in. Your sugge...

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RE: Generators?

Ctrl-Alt drag will "snap" the plugin (blue bar) to the end of the edit and it does turn color from a green line as you drag to yellow when lined up fo...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Generators?

@LFOM For snap across tracks, I think that "align edits" under the "Edit" pulldown on the main timeline may be what you are looking for, but not sur...

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