Reputable Member
Inscription: Nov 11, 2018
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Sujets: 5 / Réponse: 237
RE: Tutorials [Esp]

And now for Chapter 9 -- Selection techniques on the timeline: Plus the youtube version:

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Multiple GPUs / HW device selection / FFStream decode debugging / nvidea eGPU / VDPAU

@Ig0r Do not worry about getting back to this in any time frame. You are busy and I have plenty of other things to do! About the prof 2 error, ...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Multiple GPUs / HW device selection / FFStream decode debugging / nvidea eGPU / VDPAU

@Ig0r Thanks for the feedback. Well, running prof2 is more at a programmer level and it is not that easy to explain how to proceed. However, meanw...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Cinematic 2.35:1 video

@Ingo Nice. It just really feels like I am riding a bike for real.

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Gimme shelter from a lockdown Italy

@AVLinux Now I can not listen to that song anymore without thinking of pajamas. We need a pianist and singer to do "All By Myself" like Eric Carme...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Gimme shelter from a lockdown Italy

Thanks for posting. I recognized the tune right away but never knew any of the lyrics except for "it's just a shot way". So lunch is late by 10 min...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Release Video of "Spanish Moon".

@AVLinux I really like the switch from color to a black and white TV (looks just like the one I watched in the old days). Is that Aging TV and Burn...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: How Audio tracks are displayed, can it be improved?

@avlinux @pierre This definitive list is very helpful for planning.  The more definition, the less we have to guess on how to make it work.&nbs...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM Thanks for the followup. I went back and looked at it. I will see if GG can create a new Ubuntu 19 build with the latest mods in since you a...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM Interesting. Thanks for the examples. I do not have a very capable board on my laptop. The DOG comes back with "Codec mjpeg profile 194 not ...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: UI/UX Suggestions (or please tell me how to improve usability)

@LFOM Well I know that the slowness is resolved but since you reported the below (and I can not find the other forum because I am lazy): "Regardin...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Multiple GPUs / HW device selection / FFStream decode debugging / nvidea eGPU / VDPAU

@LFOM Yes, this helps and thanks for checking this out and reporting back. Somehow there has been a side effect that we were not aware of. We will...

Il y a 5 ans
Answer to: How Audio tracks are displayed, can it be improved?

@dankinzelman No place to donate yet but @Sam plans this for the future on the website to offset server costs. GG and I do this for fun and prefer ...

Il y a 5 ans
RE: Tutorials [Esp]

This Shortcuts video and tutorial by RafaMar are a very good assist to basic understanding of the keyboard layout. And then goes over where shortcuts...

Il y a 5 ans
Answer to: How Audio tracks are displayed, can it be improved?

@dankinzelman Thanks for additional feedback -- it helps for us to get perspective and reasoning behind user requests. But I got to say if you real...

Il y a 5 ans
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