Get involved
As a free open source community, we welcome any contribution to improving Cinelerra-GG, even if the contribution is small. Many small steps lead to success. Here we show you how you can get involved in the Cinelerra-GG community.
Our users come from all over the world and thus the language is English to communicate with each other. For supporters who don’t speak English well, we recommend the DeepL Translator. This translator works with artificial intelligence and achieves the best results of any other tools, therefore many of our users use DeepL.
Translate the software
Help us translate Cinelerra-GG Software into your language. Here you will find some information on how you can actively participate. Click here.
Translate the website
Please help us with the translation of the website. It’s not as hard as you think. With a little guidance you can translate the website into your language and many other people will benefit from it. Click here for more information and to watch the video.
Improve the documentation
You have suggestions for improvements concerning the documentation? Write us where you would like to improve the documentation.
cin [@] lists.cinelerra-gg [dot] org
Subscribe to the mailing list right now.
Suggest new features (issue tracker)
Only through user feedback we are able to improve Cinelerra. Any suggestion for improvement or feature request, no matter how small, is always welcome. We all benefit from it. The bug tracker, also called issue tracker, captures such feature requests very well. This allows us to keep the track. Click here for the issue tracker.
Develop with us (mailing list)
We appreciate any help from other developers. Help to improve the code, to add plugins or new features. You can contact us at any time via the mailing list. Click here for the mailing list.