/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "assets.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "cache.h" #include "condition.h" #include "datatype.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "thread.h" #include "preferences.h" #include // edl came from a command which won't exist anymore CICache::CICache(Preferences *preferences) : Garbage("CICache"), List() { this->preferences = preferences; edl = 0; check_out_lock = new Condition(0, "CICache::check_out_lock", 0); total_lock = new Mutex("CICache::total_lock"); check_outs = 0; } CICache::~CICache() { while(last) { CICacheItem *item = last; //printf("CICache::~CICache: %s\n", item->asset->path); remove_pointer(item); item->Garbage::remove_user(); } delete check_out_lock; delete total_lock; } File* CICache::check_out(Asset *asset, EDL *edl, int block) { CICacheItem *current = 0; long tid = (long)Thread::get_self(); if( !tid ) tid = 1; total_lock->lock("CICache::check_out"); add_user(); while( users > 1 ) { File *file = 0; // Scan directory for item current = first; while(current && strcmp(current->asset->path, asset->path) != 0) current = NEXT; if(!current) { // Create new item current = new CICacheItem(this, edl, asset); append(current); current->checked_out = tid; total_lock->unlock(); file = current->file; int result = file->open_file(preferences, asset, 1, 0); if( result ) { delete file; file = 0; } total_lock->lock("CICache::check_out 2"); if( !file ) { remove_pointer(current); current->file = 0; current->Garbage::remove_user(); current = 0; } else current->Garbage::add_user(); } else { file = current->file; if( !current->checked_out ) { // Return existing/new item current->Garbage::add_user(); current->age = EDL::next_id(); current->checked_out = tid; } else if( current->checked_out == tid ) ++check_outs; else current = 0; } if( current || !file || !block ) break; // Try again after blocking total_lock->unlock(); check_out_lock->lock("CICache::check_out"); total_lock->lock("CICache::check_out"); } // cache deleted during checkout, destroy this if( users == 1 ) { current->Garbage::remove_user(); total_lock->unlock(); return 0; } //printf("users: %i \n", users ); current->Garbage::remove_user(); total_lock->unlock(); //printf("check out %p %lx %s\n", current, tid, asset->path); return current ? current->file : 0; } int CICache::check_in(Asset *asset) { total_lock->lock("CICache::check_in"); CICacheItem *current = 0; if( !check_outs ) { current = first; while(current && strcmp(current->asset->path, asset->path) != 0) current = NEXT; if(current && current->checked_out) { current->checked_out = 0; current->Garbage::remove_user(); } } else --check_outs; total_lock->unlock(); // Release for blocking check_out operations check_out_lock->unlock(); //printf("check in %p %lx %s\n", current, (long)Thread::get_self(), asset->path); age(); return 0; } void CICache::remove_all() { List removed; for(;;) { total_lock->lock("CICache::remove_all"); CICacheItem *current = first; while( current ) { CICacheItem *next_item = current->next; if( !current->checked_out ) { remove_pointer(current); removed.append(current); } current = next_item; } total_lock->unlock(); while( removed.first ) { CICacheItem *current = removed.first; removed.remove_pointer(current); current->Garbage::remove_user(); } if( !first ) break; check_out_lock->lock(); } } int CICache::delete_entry(char *path) { CICacheItem *current = 0; for( ;; ) { total_lock->lock("CICache::delete_entry"); current = first; while( current && strcmp(current->asset->path, path) !=0 ) current = NEXT; if( !current ) break; if( !current->checked_out ) { remove_pointer(current); break; } total_lock->unlock(); check_out_lock->lock(); } total_lock->unlock(); if( current ) current->Garbage::remove_user(); return 0; } int CICache::delete_entry(Asset *asset) { return delete_entry(asset->path); } int CICache::age() { // delete old assets if memory usage is exceeded int64_t prev_memory_usage = 0; int result = 0; while( !result ) { int64_t memory_usage = get_memory_usage(1); if( prev_memory_usage == memory_usage ) break; if( preferences->cache_size >= memory_usage ) break; //printf("CICache::age 3 %p %jd %jd\n", this, memory_usage, preferences->cache_size); prev_memory_usage = memory_usage; result = delete_oldest(); } return result; } int64_t CICache::get_memory_usage(int use_lock) { CICacheItem *current; int64_t result = 0; if(use_lock) total_lock->lock("CICache::get_memory_usage"); for(current = first; current; current = NEXT) { File *file = current->file; if(file) result += file->get_memory_usage(); } if(use_lock) total_lock->unlock(); return result; } int CICache::get_oldest() { CICacheItem *current; int oldest = 0x7fffffff; total_lock->lock("CICache::get_oldest"); for(current = last; current; current = PREVIOUS) { if(current->age < oldest) { oldest = current->age; } } total_lock->unlock(); return oldest; } int CICache::delete_oldest() { int result = 0; CICacheItem *oldest = 0; total_lock->lock("CICache::delete_oldest"); if( first != last ) { // at least 2 CICacheItem *current = first; for( ; !oldest && current; current=current->next ) if( !current->checked_out ) oldest = current; for( ; current; current=current->next ) { if( current->checked_out ) continue; if( current->age < oldest->age ) oldest = current; } // delete oldest of at least 2 cache files if( oldest ) { remove_pointer(oldest); result = 1; } } // settle for just deleting one frame else if( first && !first->checked_out ) result = first->file->delete_oldest(); total_lock->unlock(); if( oldest ) oldest->Garbage::remove_user(); return result; } void CICache::dump(FILE *fp) { CICacheItem *current; total_lock->lock("CICache::dump"); fprintf(fp, "CICache::dump total size %jd\n", get_memory_usage(0)); for(current = first; current; current = NEXT) { fprintf(fp, "cache item %p asset %p %s age=%d checked_out=%p\n", current, current->asset, current->asset->path, current->age, (void*)current->checked_out); } total_lock->unlock(); } CICacheItem::CICacheItem() : Garbage("CICacheItem"), ListItem() { } CICacheItem::CICacheItem(CICache *cache, EDL *edl, Asset *asset) : Garbage("CICacheItem"), ListItem() { age = EDL::next_id(); this->asset = new Asset; item_lock = new Condition(1, "CICacheItem::item_lock", 0); // Must copy Asset since this belongs to an EDL which won't exist forever. this->asset->copy_from(asset, 1); this->cache = cache; checked_out = 0; file = new File; int cpus = cache->preferences->processors; file->set_processors(cpus); file->set_preload(edl->session->playback_preload); file->set_subtitle(edl->session->decode_subtitles ? edl->session->subtitle_number : -1); file->set_program(edl->session->program_no); file->set_interpolate_raw(edl->session->interpolate_raw); file->set_white_balance_raw(edl->session->white_balance_raw); SET_TRACE } CICacheItem::~CICacheItem() { if(file) delete file; if(asset) asset->Garbage::remove_user(); if(item_lock) delete item_lock; }