\item Use BD Create to render your short Title video.
\item Next is the most complicated part which is to run \texttt{mkudffs} with a sufficient amount of disk space to hold all of the \texttt{bd.m2ts} files \textit{plus a little more!} To calculate this, you can record the sizes from having run BD Create mkudffs. This number is displayed on the terminal screen when using the command line interface each time and add them together. Or recalculate the size of each bd.m2ts using the formula below and adding them all together. This is the number of blocks used to make a bluray image space for bdwrite to use. For many files, this could require a huge amount of space, so check first.
- Total size = File0 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 “+” File1 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 “+” ...
+ Total size = File0 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 "+" File1 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 "+" ...
Now create the image file via: \texttt{mkudffs image <Total size>} where image or udfs is the image name.
\item Loop mount the disk image (refer to Section 13.7\todo{idem as above}).
The single user build allows for running completely out of a local user directory so it doesn't affect the system.
We recommend the single-user version when possible.
-It makes it very easy to install a new version without having to delete the older version in case you want it for backup – once you are happy with the new version, all you have to do is delete the entire old directory path.
+It makes it very easy to install a new version without having to delete the older version in case you want it for backup - once you are happy with the new version, all you have to do is delete the entire old directory path.
Also, if you install a new Operating System version and if you have Cinelerra on separate disk space that is preserved, you won't have to reinstall Cinelerra.
In addition for purposes of having the ability to interrupt or to see any possible error messages, if you start the application from a terminal window command line you will have more control to catch problems.
However, the system builds can be useful in a university lab setting where there are possibly multiple users, or multiple versions.
To see the full list of features use:
-$ ./configure –help
+$ ./configure -help
The default build is a system build which uses:
-$ ./configure –without-single-user
+$ ./configure -without-single-user
In the single-user build, the target directory is always “cin”.
For example:
-$ ./configure –with-config-dir=/myusername/.bcast5
+$ ./configure -with-config-dir=/myusername/.bcast5
NOTE: when you specify parameters to the configure program, it will create a make file as a consequence.
An example of a problem you might encounter with your customized installation is with “\texttt{a52dec}” which has probes line \texttt{(CHECK\_LIB/CHECK\_HEADER)} in \texttt{configure.ac}, but \texttt{djbfft} does not.
In this case, \texttt{djbfft} is only built because \texttt{a52dec} is built, so if your system has \texttt{a52dec}, set \texttt{a52dec} to auto and see if that problem is solved by retrying the build with:
-$ ./confgure --with-single-user –enable-a52dec=auto .
+$ ./confgure --with-single-user -enable-a52dec=auto .
With persistence, you can get results, but it may take several tries to stabilize the build.
Then, to run as a developer in the debugger:
-$ CFLAGS=”-O2 -ggdb” make -j8 rebuild_all
+$ CFLAGS="-O2 -ggdb" make -j8 rebuild_all
$ cd cinelerra
$ gdb ./ci
wget https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/pkgs/{substitute_name}/cin_5.1.<sub_name>.deb
and install it manually, for example: dpkg -i cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.deb
-# GENTOO – courtesy Dominque Michel
+# GENTOO - courtesy Dominque Michel
# There is an ebuild package at this time as of 01/03/2019 at:
# https://svnweb.tuxfamily.org/listing.php?repname=proaudio%2Fproaudio&path=
# %2Ftrunk%2Foverlays%2Fproaudio%2Fmedia-video%2Fcinelerra%2F&#ab000caf7024d83112f42a7e8285f2f29
-# FREEBSD – courtesy Yuri
+# FREEBSD - courtesy Yuri
# There is a port available at: https://www.freshports.org/multimedia/cinelerra-gg/
# To use this port: cd /usr/ports/multimedia/cinelerra-gg && make install clean
# and then install this precompiled package via: pkg install cinelerra-gg
-export BC_FONT_PATH=: (the : “colon” removes all automatic system and cinelerra fonts)
-export BC_FONT_PATH=:/usr/share/fonts (remove all fonts and then add /usr/shar/fonts)
+export BC_FONT_PATH=: #(the : "colon" removes all automatic system and cinelerra fonts)
+export BC_FONT_PATH=:/usr/share/fonts #(remove all fonts and then add /usr/shar/fonts)
One last item of information about fonts that may lead to some confusion. The checkbox for Bold and Italic will occasionally be ghosted out if no bold or italic version of the selected font is available. This is no guarantee, but currently as good as it can get due to inconsistency in the creation of fonts. It is mostly just a hint. If boxes are checkmarked, but ghosted, you can not uncheck until you change to a font that does not ghost out the boxes. If you use the popup helper with the boxes checked, and attempt to keyin a font that does not have the bold/italic attribute as checked, the font will be considered illegal.
To build findobject and the other plugins using opencv, access the src using git:
-git clone –depth 1 "git://git.cinelerra-gg.org/goodguy/cinelerra.git" cinelerra5
+git clone -depth 1 "git://git.cinelerra-gg.org/goodguy/cinelerra.git" cinelerra5
then configure the build, but add the \texttt{- -with-opencv} configure parameter.