\item[Alpha determines radius] use alpha to define the amount of blur to apply. (radius=gray value of alpha)
\item[Blur alpha, red, green, blue] specifies which color channels is to be blurred.
-If you are getting confusing results, please click on the \textit{Reset} button in the dialogue/controls popup box and re-enter your desired values.
+If you are getting confusing results with old projects it may be a
+result of the discontinued parameter \textit{alpha determines radius}.
+For compatibility reasons and for possible future development it
+has been left in the code but hidden in the plugin's GUI.
+The parameter for \textit{alpha determines radius} is
+\texttt{A\_KEY}, which can be 0 or 1. When you press the
+\texttt{Reset} button in the Blur plugin window \texttt{A\_KEY=0}.
+Old projects may have saved that parameter (A\_KEY) to 1 instead
+of 0 and that may present a problem so you should do one of
+the following workarounds to change it to 0. Then be sure to save
+your project with these changes applied.
+ \item Click on the \textit{Reset} button in the dialogue/controls popup box and re-enter any of your other parameter desired values.
+ \item OR in the \CGG{} program, open the project. Click on the cog icon
+(\textit{Preset edit}) of the Blur effect bar and the \textit{Keyframe
+parameters} window is open. There, you can see the A\_KEY parameter
+and change it: select the \texttt{A\_KEY} parameter and in the
+\texttt{Edit value} box, change it from 1 to 0, then press the \texttt{OK}