slow for the amount of improvement. RGB float does not destroy
information when used with YUV source footage and also supports
brightness above 100\,\%. Be aware that some effects, like
-Histogram, still clip above 100\,\% when in floating point.
+Histogram, still clip above 100\,\% when in floating point. See also \ref{sec:color_space_range_playback} and \ref{sec:conform_the_project}.
\item[Interlace mode:] \index{interlacing} this is mostly obsolete in the modern digital
age, but may be needed for older media such as that from broadcast
\subsection*{How Copy/Paste works:}%
All of the methods use window \textit{properties} to attach data, called a selection, to a source window. The program advertises the selection by using the X server. The window property used determines which selection type is set/advertised by the new selection.
\item[YUV color range] default choice is JPEG, alternate is MPEG
+Some general tips (See also \ref{sec:video_attributes} \textit{Color model}):
+ \item If your hardware allows it use RGB-Float (in \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Format}); this format does not lead to transfer errors from one model to another, but it uses more cpu.
+ \item Use RGB-8 if the source is RGB and YUV-8 if the source is YUV (most commonly used).
+ \item If you notice alterations in color/brightness representation, try playing with color models in \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Format} and with \textit{YUV color space} and \textit{YUV color range} in \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Preferences $\rightarrow$ Appearance} tab. Another possibility is to check if the display color model conforms to the project color model.
\section{Automatic "Best Model" Media Load}%