compression/expansion filter.
\item [F\_acrusher]~\\Reduces audio bit resolution.
\item [F\_acue]~\\Delay filtering to match a cue.
+\item [F\_adecorrelate]~\\Apply decorrelation to input audio stream.
\item [F\_adelay]~\\Delays one or more audio channels.
-\item [F\_adenorm]~\\Remedy denormals by adding extremely
- low-level noise.
+\item [F\_adenorm]~\\Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise.
+\item [F\_adynamicequalizer]~\\Apply dynamic equalization to input audio stream.
+\item [F\_adynamicsmooth]~\\Apply dynamic smoothing to input audio stream.
\item [F\_aderivative]~\\Compute derivative of input audio.
\item [F\_aecho]~\\Adds echoing to the audio.
\item [F\_aemphasis]~\\Audio emphasis.
\item [F\_aformat]~\\Convert the input audio to one of he
specified formats.
\item [F\_afreqshift]~\\Apply frequency shifting to input audio.
+\item [F\_afwtdn]~\\Reduce broadband noise from input samples using Wavelets.
\item [F\_agate]~\\Audio gate.
-\item [F\_aintegral]~\\Compute integral of input audio.
+\item [F\_alatency]~\\Measure filtering latency.
\item [F\_allpass]~\\Applies a two-pole all-pass filter.
\item [F\_aloop]~\\Loops audio samples.
\item [F\_anoisesrc]~\\Generates a noise audio signal.
\item [F\_aphaser]~\\Adds a phasing effect to the audio.
\item [F\_aphaseshift]~\\Apply phase shifting to input audio.
+\item [F\_apsyclip]~\\Apply Psychoacoustic clipper to input audio stream.
\item [F\_arealtime]~\\Slows down filtering to match realtime.
\item [F\_aresample]~\\Resamples audio data.
-\item [F\_asetrate]~\\Change the sample rate without altering
- the data.
-\item [F\_astats]~\\Shows time domain statistics about audio
- frames.
+\item [F\_asetrate]~\\Change the sample rate without altering the data.
+\item [F\_aspectralstats]~\\Display frequency domain statistical information about the audio channels. Statistics are calculated and stored as metadata for each audio channel and for each audio frame.
+\item [F\_astats]~\\Shows time domain statistics about audio frames.
\item [F\_asubboost]~\\Boost subwoofer frequencies.
\item [F\_asubcut]~\\Cut subwoofer frequencies.
\item [F\_asupercut]~\\Cut super frequencies.
\item [F\_asuperpass]~\\Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter.
\item [F\_asuperstop]~\\Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter.
-\item [F\_atempo]~\\Adjusts audio tempo so that when you speed up audio, it will
-adjust the pitch accordingly to make audio sounds more normal, but faster without
-being badly distorted. Its behavior is similar to what can be seen when you watch
-a youtube video, click the gear icon, and select a speed greater or less than 1.
+\item [F\_atempo]~\\Adjusts audio tempo so that when you speed up audio, it will adjust the pitch accordingly to make audio sounds more normal, but faster without being badly distorted. Its behavior is similar to what can be seen when you watch a youtube video, click the gear icon, and select a speed greater or less than 1.
+\item [F\_atilt]~\\Apply spectral tilt filter to audio stream.
\item [F\_atrim]~\\Pick one continuous section from the input,
drop the rest.
\item [F\_bandpass]~\\Applies a two-pole Butterworth band-pass
tracks by dragging the plugin to the $1^{st}$ audio track and then
right mouse clicking all subsequent audio tracks which brings up an
menu. Highlight the effect shown in the middle section and click OK.
+\item [F\_tiltshelf]~\\Boost or cut the lower frequencies and cut or boost higher frequencies of the audio using a two-pole shelving filter with a response similar to that of a standard hi-fi’s tone-controls. This is also known as shelving equalization (EQ).
\item [F\_treble]~\\Boosts or cuts upper frequencies.
\item [F\_tremolo]~\\Applies tremolo effect.
\item [F\_vibrato]~\\Applies vibrato effect.
+\item [F\_virtualbass]~\\Apply audio Virtual Bass filter.
\item [F\_volume]~\\Change input volume.
\item [F\_volumedetect]~\\Detect audio volume.
\item [F\_blackdetect]~\\Detect video intervals that are
(almost) black.
\item [F\_blackframe]~\\Detect frames that are (almost) black.
-\item [F\_boxblur]~\\Blurs the input video. Through the
- settings you are able to change the power and the radius of the
- boxblur applied to luma, chroma and alpha.
+\item [F\_blockdetect]~\\Determines blockiness of frames without altering the input frames.
+\item [F\_blurdetect]~\\Determines blurriness of frames without altering the input frames.
+\item [F\_boxblur]~\\Blurs the input video. Through the settings you are able to change the power and the radius of the boxblur applied to luma, chroma and alpha.
\item [F\_bwdif]~\\Deinterlaces the input image.
\item [F\_cas]~\\Apply Contrast Adaptive Sharpen filter to video.
\item [F\_chromakey]~\\Turns a certain color into
transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
+\item [F\_chromakey\_cuda]~\\CUDA accelerated YUV colorspace color/chroma keying.
\item [F\_chromanr]~\\Reduce chrominance noise.
\item [F\_ciescope]~\\Video CIE scope.
\item [F\_color]~\\Provide an uniformly colored input.
\item [F\_colorbalance]~\\Adjusts the color balance.
\item [F\_colorchannelmixer]~\\Adjusts colors by mixing color
+\item [F\_colorchart]~\\The colorchart source provides a colors checker chart.
\item [F\_colorcontrast]~\\Adjust color contrast between RGB
\item [F\_colorcorrect]~\\Adjust color white balance selectivity
\item [F\_colormatrix]~\\Converts color matrix.
\item [F\_colorize]~\\Overlay a solid color on the video stream.
\item [F\_colorspace]~\\Converts color space.
+\item [F\_colorspectrum]~\\Provides a color spectrum input.
\item [F\_colortemperature]~\\Adjust color temperature of video.
\item [F\_cover\_rect]~\\Find and cover a user specified
\item [F\_gradfun]~\\Debands video quickly using gradients.
\item [F\_gradients]~\\Draws a transparent gradient.
\item [F\_graphmonitor]~\\Show various filtergraph stats.
+\item [F\_grayworld]~\\A color constancy filter that applies color correction based on the grayworld assumption.
\item [F\_greyedge]~\\Estimates scene illumination by grey
edge assumption.
\item [F\_haldclutsrc]~\\Provide an identity Hald CLUT\@.
\item [F\_histogram]~\\Computes and draws a histogram.
\item [F\_hqdn3d]~\\Applies a High Quality 3D Denoiser.
-\item [F\_hqx]~\\Scales the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the
- $hq*x$ magnification algorithm.
-\item [F\_hue]~\\Adjust the hue and saturation of the input
- video.
+\item [F\_hqx]~\\Scales the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the $hq*x$ magnification algorithm.
+\item [F\_hsvhold]~\\Turns a certain HSV range into gray values.
+\item [F\_hsvkey]~\\Turns a certain HSV range into transparency.
+\item [F\_hue]~\\Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video.
+\item [F\_huesaturation]~\\Apply hue-saturation-intensity adjustments to input video stream.
\item [F\_idet]~\\Interlace detect Filter.
\item [F\_il]~\\Deinterleaves or interleaves fields.
\item [F\_inflate]~\\Applies inflate effect.
\item [F\_kerndeint]~\\Applies kernel deinterlacing to the
\item [F\_kirsch]~\\Apply kirsch operator.
-\item [F\_lenscorrection]~\\Rectifies the image by correcting
- for lens distortion.
+\item [F\_latency]~\\Measure filtering latency.
+\item [F\_lenscorrection]~\\Rectifies the image by correcting for lens distortion.
\item [F\_life]~\\Generate a life pattern.
\item [F\_limiter]~\\Limit pixels components to the specified
\item [F\_perspective]~\\Corrects the perspective of video.
\item [F\_phase]~\\Phases shift fields.
\item [F\_photosensitivity]~\\Filter out photosensitive epilepsy seizure-inducing flashes.
-\item [F\_pixscope]~\\Pixel data analysis for checking color
- and levels. It will display sample values of color channels.
+\item [F\_pixscope]~\\Pixel data analysis for checking color and levels. It will display sample values of color channels.
+\item [F\_pixelize]~\\Apply pixelization to video stream.
\item [F\_pp]~\\Filters video using libpostproc.
\item [F\_pp7]~\\Applies Postprocessing 7 filter.
\item [F\_prewitt]~\\Apply prewitt operator.
\item [F\_rotate]~\\Rotates the input image by an arbitrary angle expressed in radians. If you want to rotate
by degrees, you can use the \textit{rotate} plugin instead.
\item [F\_sab]~\\Applies shape adaptive blur.
-\item [F\_scale]~\\Scale the input video size and/or convert
- the image format.
+\item [F\_scale]~\\Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.
\item [F\_scdet]~\\Detect video scene change.
+\item [F\_scharr]~\\Apply scharr operator to input video stream.
\item [F\_scroll]~\\Scroll input video horizontally and/or vertically by constant speed.
\item [F\_separatefields]~\\Split input video frames into
\item [F\_shufflepixels]~\\Shuffles video pixels.
\item [F\_shuffleplanes]~\\Shuffles video planes.
\item [F\_sierpinski]~\\Generate a Sierpinski carpet/triangle fractal, and randomly pan around.
-\item [F\_signalstats]~\\Separates statistics from video
- analysis.
+\item [F\_signalstats]~\\Separates statistics from video analysis.
\index{over sharpened footage}
+\item [F\_siti]~\\Calculate Spatial Info (SI) and Temporal Info (TI) scores for a video, as defined in ITU-T P.910: Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications.
\item [F\_smartblur]~\\Blurs the input video without impacting
the outlines. Through the settings you can select the radius, the
strength and the threshold of luma and chroma. This plugin can be used to correct