These shortcuts are very useful because the keys more frequently used have
priority in editing, and are easy to use with the left hand on the keyboard and the right hand on the mouse.
-\begin{longtable}[h] { | p{6.4cm} | p{3.3cm} | p{3.3cm} | }
+\begin{longtable}[h] {|p{6.4cm}|p{3.3cm}|p{3.3cm}|}
\multicolumn{3}{|c|} {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Alternative Shortcuts}}} \\
\textbf{Description} & \textbf{Before} & \textbf{After} \\
To clip & 'i' & Ctrl+I \\
Settings $\rightarrow$ Align cursor on frames & Ctrl+A & Ctrl+F \\
- \bottomrule
+ \hline
A common practice in video editing is the ability to jump from one part of the timeline to another: jumping from one \textit{cut} to another or from one \textit{label} to another or even from one \textit{keyframe} to another. Using shortcuts in these cases is even more advantageous. In the next table we summarize these alternative shortcuts of the main jumps.
-\begin{longtable}[h] { | p{7cm} | p{6.5cm} | }
+\begin{longtable}[h] {|p{7cm}|p{6.5cm}|}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|} {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Alternatives - Some jumps backward and forward}}} \\
Jump backward to the next cut & Alt+Left Arrow, 'A' \\
Jump forward to the next Auto & Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right Arrow (only works on UbuntuStudio) \\
- \bottomrule
+ \hline