inside termux (it will prompt you to give access to sdcard graphically the first time used).
\item If you have empty versions of locale.alias, locale.dir,
-\newline \$PREFIX\/share/X11\/locale\/en\_US.UTF-8\/en\_US.UTF-8\/XLC\_LOCALE
+\newline \$PREFIX/share/X11/locale/en\_US.UTF-8/XLC\_LOCALE
you will have to request non-empty versions via the mailing list.
\item Some helpful information on installing the X environment is at:
-You can even build a package version similiar to Debian, just with 'pkg search\/pkg install'
-instead of 'apt search/install' and with '*-static' instead of '-dev\/-devel packages'. For more
-information on this, see:
+You can even build a package version similiar to Debian, just with "pkg search pkg\_name / pkg install
+ pkg\_name" instead of "apt search/install pkg\_name" and with "*-static" instead of "*-dev/-devel packages".
+For more information on this, see:
\newline \url{\_packages}