#define HEIGHT 425
New::New(MWindow *mwindow)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("New Project..."), "n", 'n')
this->mwindow = mwindow;
script = 0;
delete thread;
-void New::create_objects()
- thread = new NewThread(mwindow, this);
int New::handle_event()
-int New::create_new_project()
+int New::create_new_project(int load_mode)
- mwindow->hide_plugins();
- mwindow->edl->Garbage::remove_user();
- mwindow->edl = new_edl;
+ ArrayList<EDL *>new_edls;
+ new_edls.append(new_edl);
+ mwindow->paste_edls(&new_edls, load_mode, 0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ new_edl->remove_user();
new_edl = 0;
- mwindow->save_defaults();
// Load file sequence
- mwindow->update_project(LOADMODE_REPLACE);
+ mwindow->update_project(load_mode);
mwindow->session->changes_made = 0;
- mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("New Project"), LOAD_ALL);
+ mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(load_mode == LOADMODE_REPLACE ?
+ _("New Project") : _("Append Project"), LOAD_ALL);
return 0;
-NewThread::NewThread(MWindow *mwindow, New *new_project)
+NewProject::NewProject(MWindow *mwindow)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("New Project..."), "n", 'n'), New(mwindow)
+void NewProject::create_objects()
+ thread = new NewThread(mwindow, this,
+AppendTracks::AppendTracks(MWindow *mwindow)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Append to Project..."), "N", 'N'), New(mwindow)
+ set_shift(1);
+void AppendTracks::create_objects()
+ thread = new NewThread(mwindow, this,
+ _(PROGRAM_NAME ": Append to Project"), LOADMODE_NEW_TRACKS);
+NewThread::NewThread(MWindow *mwindow, New *new_project,
+ const char *title, int load_mode)
: BC_DialogThread()
this->mwindow = mwindow;
this->new_project = new_project;
+ this->title = title;
+ this->load_mode = load_mode;
nwindow = 0;
new_project->new_edl = 0;
else {
- new_project->create_new_project();
+ new_project->create_new_project(load_mode);
sprintf(string, "%.02f", new_project->new_edl->session->aspect_w);
- nwindow->aspect_w_text->update(string);
+ if( nwindow->aspect_w_text ) nwindow->aspect_w_text->update(string);
sprintf(string, "%.02f", new_project->new_edl->session->aspect_h);
- nwindow->aspect_h_text->update(string);
+ if( nwindow->aspect_h_text )nwindow->aspect_h_text->update(string);
return 0;
NewWindow::NewWindow(MWindow *mwindow, NewThread *new_thread, int x, int y)
- : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": New Project"), x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT,
+ : BC_Window(new_thread->title, x, y,
+ WIDTH, new_thread->load_mode == LOADMODE_REPLACE ? HEIGHT : HEIGHT-180,
-1, -1, 0, 0, 1)
this->mwindow = mwindow;
this->new_thread = new_thread;
this->new_edl = new_thread->new_project->new_edl;
format_presets = 0;
+ atracks = 0;
+ achannels = 0;
+ sample_rate = 0;
+ vtracks = 0;
+ frame_rate = 0;
+ output_w_text = 0;
+ output_h_text = 0;
+ aspect_w_text = 0;
+ aspect_h_text = 0;
+ interlace_pulldown = 0;
+ color_model = 0;
- if( format_presets ) delete format_presets;
+ delete format_presets;
add_subwindow(new NewATracksTumbler(this, x1, y));
y += atracks->get_h() + 5;
- x1 = x;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Channels:")));
- x1 += 100;
- add_subwindow(achannels = new NewAChannels(this, "", x1, y));
- x1 += achannels->get_w();
- add_subwindow(new NewAChannelsTumbler(this, x1, y));
- y += achannels->get_h() + 5;
- x1 = x;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Samplerate:")));
- x1 += 100;
- add_subwindow(sample_rate = new NewSampleRate(this, "", x1, y));
- x1 += sample_rate->get_w();
- add_subwindow(new SampleRatePulldown(mwindow, sample_rate, x1, y));
+ if( new_thread->load_mode == LOADMODE_REPLACE ) {
+ x1 = x;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Channels:")));
+ x1 += 100;
+ add_subwindow(achannels = new NewAChannels(this, "", x1, y));
+ x1 += achannels->get_w();
+ add_subwindow(new NewAChannelsTumbler(this, x1, y));
+ y += achannels->get_h() + 5;
+ x1 = x;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Samplerate:")));
+ x1 += 100;
+ add_subwindow(sample_rate = new NewSampleRate(this, "", x1, y));
+ x1 += sample_rate->get_w();
+ add_subwindow(new SampleRatePulldown(mwindow, sample_rate, x1, y));
+ }
x += 250;
y = y1;
add_subwindow(new NewVTracksTumbler(this, x1, y));
y += vtracks->get_h() + 5;
-// x1 = x;
-// add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Channels:")));
-// x1 += 100;
-// add_subwindow(vchannels = new NewVChannels(this, "", x1, y));
-// x1 += vchannels->get_w();
-// add_subwindow(new NewVChannelsTumbler(this, x1, y));
-// y += vchannels->get_h() + 5;
- x1 = x;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Framerate:")));
- x1 += 115;
- add_subwindow(frame_rate = new NewFrameRate(this, "", x1, y));
- x1 += frame_rate->get_w();
- add_subwindow(new FrameRatePulldown(mwindow, frame_rate, x1, y));
- y += frame_rate->get_h() + 5;
+ if( new_thread->load_mode == LOADMODE_REPLACE ) {
+// x1 = x;
+// add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Channels:")));
+// x1 += 100;
+// add_subwindow(vchannels = new NewVChannels(this, "", x1, y));
+// x1 += vchannels->get_w();
+// add_subwindow(new NewVChannelsTumbler(this, x1, y));
+// y += vchannels->get_h() + 5;
+ x1 = x;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Framerate:")));
+ x1 += 115;
+ add_subwindow(frame_rate = new NewFrameRate(this, "", x1, y));
+ x1 += frame_rate->get_w();
+ add_subwindow(new FrameRatePulldown(mwindow, frame_rate, x1, y));
+ y += frame_rate->get_h() + 5;
+ }
// x1 = x;
// add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Canvas size:")));
// x1 += 100;
add_subwindow(new NewSwapExtents(mwindow, this, x1, y));
y += output_h_text->get_h() + 5;
- x1 = x;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Aspect ratio:")));
- x1 += 115;
- add_subwindow(aspect_w_text = new NewAspectW(this, "", x1, y));
- x1 += aspect_w_text->get_w() + 2;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, ":"));
- x1 += 10;
- add_subwindow(aspect_h_text = new NewAspectH(this, "", x1, y));
- x1 += aspect_h_text->get_w();
- add_subwindow(new AspectPulldown(mwindow,
- aspect_w_text, aspect_h_text, x1, y));
- x1 = aspect_w_text->get_x();
- y += aspect_w_text->get_h() + 5;
- add_subwindow(new NewAspectAuto(this, x1, y));
- y += 40;
- BC_Title *title;
- add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Color model:")));
- x1 = x + title->get_w();
- y1 = y; y += title->get_h() + 10;
- add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Interlace mode:")));
- int x2 = x + title->get_w();
- int y2 = y; y += title->get_h() + 10;
- if( x1 < x2 ) x1 = x2;
- x1 += 20;
- add_subwindow(textbox = new BC_TextBox(x1, y1, 150, 1, ""));
- add_subwindow(color_model = new ColormodelPulldown(mwindow,
- textbox, &new_edl->session->color_model, x1+textbox->get_w(), y1));
- add_subwindow(textbox = new BC_TextBox(x1, y2, 150, 1, ""));
- add_subwindow(interlace_pulldown = new InterlacemodePulldown(mwindow,
- textbox, &new_edl->session->interlace_mode,
- (ArrayList<BC_ListBoxItem*>*)&mwindow->interlace_project_modes,
- x1+textbox->get_w(), y2));
+ if( new_thread->load_mode == LOADMODE_REPLACE ) {
+ x1 = x;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Aspect ratio:")));
+ x1 += 115;
+ add_subwindow(aspect_w_text = new NewAspectW(this, "", x1, y));
+ x1 += aspect_w_text->get_w() + 2;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, ":"));
+ x1 += 10;
+ add_subwindow(aspect_h_text = new NewAspectH(this, "", x1, y));
+ x1 += aspect_h_text->get_w();
+ add_subwindow(new AspectPulldown(mwindow,
+ aspect_w_text, aspect_h_text, x1, y));
+ x1 = aspect_w_text->get_x();
+ y += aspect_w_text->get_h() + 5;
+ add_subwindow(new NewAspectAuto(this, x1, y));
+ y += 40;
+ BC_Title *title;
+ add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Color model:")));
+ x1 = x + title->get_w();
+ y1 = y; y += title->get_h() + 10;
+ add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Interlace mode:")));
+ int x2 = x + title->get_w();
+ int y2 = y; y += title->get_h() + 10;
+ if( x1 < x2 ) x1 = x2;
+ x1 += 20;
+ add_subwindow(textbox = new BC_TextBox(x1, y1, 150, 1, ""));
+ add_subwindow(color_model = new ColormodelPulldown(mwindow,
+ textbox, &new_edl->session->color_model, x1+textbox->get_w(), y1));
+ add_subwindow(textbox = new BC_TextBox(x1, y2, 150, 1, ""));
+ add_subwindow(interlace_pulldown = new InterlacemodePulldown(mwindow,
+ textbox, &new_edl->session->interlace_mode,
+ (ArrayList<BC_ListBoxItem*>*)&mwindow->interlace_project_modes,
+ x1+textbox->get_w(), y2));
+ }
add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this,
int NewWindow::update()
- atracks->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->audio_tracks);
- achannels->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->audio_channels);
- sample_rate->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->sample_rate);
- vtracks->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->video_tracks);
- frame_rate->update((float)new_edl->session->frame_rate);
- output_w_text->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->output_w);
- output_h_text->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->output_h);
- aspect_w_text->update((float)new_edl->session->aspect_w);
- aspect_h_text->update((float)new_edl->session->aspect_h);
- interlace_pulldown->update(new_edl->session->interlace_mode);
- color_model->update_value(new_edl->session->color_model);
+ if( atracks ) atracks->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->audio_tracks);
+ if( achannels ) achannels->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->audio_channels);
+ if( sample_rate ) sample_rate->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->sample_rate);
+ if( vtracks ) vtracks->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->video_tracks);
+ if( frame_rate ) frame_rate->update((float)new_edl->session->frame_rate);
+ if( output_w_text ) output_w_text->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->output_w);
+ if( output_h_text ) output_h_text->update((int64_t)new_edl->session->output_h);
+ if( aspect_w_text ) aspect_w_text->update((float)new_edl->session->aspect_w);
+ if( aspect_h_text ) aspect_h_text->update((float)new_edl->session->aspect_h);
+ if( interlace_pulldown ) interlace_pulldown->update(new_edl->session->interlace_mode);
+ if( color_model ) color_model->update_value(new_edl->session->color_model);
return 0;