\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ internal link 1}{185}{section*.52}%
\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ internal link 2}{187}{section*.53}%
-\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ I can't to remedy}{191}{section*.54}%
-\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ It's OK to use Subsection every plugin?}{199}{section*.55}%
-\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ internal link 3}{266}{section*.86}%
-\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ How make a new line into the link?}{302}{section*.108}%
+\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ It's OK to use Subsection every plugin?}{199}{section*.54}%
+\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ internal link 3}{266}{section*.85}%
+\contentsline {todo}{\color@fb@x {}{black}{}{orange}{\leavevmode {\color {orange}o}}\ How make a new line into the link?}{302}{section*.107}%
Note that using this is directly changing a keyframe object so you will only want to modify parameters you are familiar with. Most of the data is obvious and safe to change.
A Presets button on the plugin bar to the left of the Controls and On/Off button allows for quick access to this feature. The symbol resembles a gear (figure~\ref{fig:preset02}).
- \todo{I can't to remedy}%
+ %\todo{I can't to remedy}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape]
\node (img1) [yshift=0cm, xshift=0cm, rotate=0] {\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{images/preset02.png}};
\node [yshift=-20mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Green) {A user preset Green};
- \node [yshift=-101mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Textbox) {Textbox to type in the title for the chosen preset or name for a new preset.};
- \node [yshift=-110mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Save) {Use the Delete, Save or Apply button for operation.};
+ \node [yshift=-101mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=south east,text width=10em, inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Textbox) {Textbox to type in the title for the chosen preset or name for a new preset.};
+ \node [yshift=-110mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=north east,text width=10em,inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Save) {Use the Delete, Save or Apply button for operation.};
\draw [->, line width=1mm] (Green) edge ([yshift=-20mm] img1.north west);
- \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Textbox) edge ([yshift=-101mm] img1.north west);
- \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Save) edge ([yshift=-110mm] img1.north west);
+ \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Textbox.south east) -- ([yshift=-101mm] img1.north west);
+ \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Save.north east) -- ([yshift=-110mm] img1.north west);
\caption{Screencast shows 4 Factory presets as preceded by an *.}