Pixels: yuv420p
-If you get errors for some videos, such as those with strange variable bit rate or some types of files made on a smartphone, an usually reliable alternative is to change the following parameters:
+If you get errors for some videos, such as those with strange variable bit rate or some types of files made on a smartphone, a usually reliable alternative is to change the following parameters:
File Format: FFMPEG - mov
More specific information on which plugins need to use \textit{Proxy 1:1}. is provided here next. If the keyframe data uses coordinate data that is absolute, then the Factor scale = 1 should be used. If the data is normalized (like always $0-100\%$) then the proxy can be done with downsize (i.e. classic \textit{Proxy}). The session geometry format, shown in \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Format} as $width \times height$, is changed if scale factor $\neq$ 1 is used to cause all of the data to be in the reduced format. If this affects the plugin operation, then \textit{Proxy 1:1} should be used. Examples of plugins that need the \textit{Proxy 1:1} are: Title, AutoScale, Scale, ScaleRatio, and Translate. Most others are safe to use with downsize.
+A faster method of creating the proxy file outiside of \CGG{} for users who have
+vaapi hardware acceleration capability on their graphics board is via a script. Speed
+up could potentially be 10 to 30 times faster depending on the parameter values you choose
+and the size of your video file. This script is included in the doc subdirectory as
+vaapi\_proxy.sh for users not using an AppImage version and is shown below. You will
+have to tune it to your specific needs for the vaapi\_device name (currently set to
+/dev/dri/renderr128), file type (currently set to h264 and mp4), and proxy size (now is 6).
+# Hardware encode AMD
+ffmpeg -threads 2 -hwaccel vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 \
+ -i "$1" -c:v h264_vaapi -vf "format=nv12,hwupload,scale_vaapi=iw/'$proxy':ih/'$proxy'" \
+ -vcodec h264_vaapi -preset fast -c:a copy \
+ -bf 0 -profile:v 66 "$fileout".proxy"$proxy"-mp4.mp4
\subsection{Proxies with Alpha channel}%