#include "assetedit.h"
#include "assetpopup.h"
#include "assetremove.h"
+#include "assets.h"
#include "awindow.h"
#include "awindowgui.h"
+#include "bccapture.h"
#include "bcdisplayinfo.h"
#include "bcsignals.h"
+#include "cache.h"
#include "clipedit.h"
#include "cstrdup.h"
#include "cwindow.h"
#include "cwindowgui.h"
#include "edl.h"
#include "edlsession.h"
+#include "file.h"
#include "filexml.h"
#include "language.h"
#include "localsession.h"
#include "mainsession.h"
#include "mwindow.h"
#include "mwindowgui.h"
+#include "preferences.h"
+#include "renderengine.h"
#include "tracks.h"
+#include "transportque.h"
+#include "vframe.h"
+#include "vrender.h"
#include "vwindow.h"
#include "vwindowgui.h"
#include "zwindow.h"
+ if( !shots_displayed ) {
+ delete asset_snapshot;
+ delete asset_grabshot;
+ }
void AssetListMenu::create_objects()
add_item(new AWindowListSort(mwindow, gui));
add_item(new AssetListCopy(mwindow, gui));
add_item(new AssetListPaste(mwindow, gui));
- update_titles();
-void AssetListMenu::update_titles()
+ SnapshotSubMenu *snapshot_submenu;
+ add_item(asset_snapshot = new AssetSnapshot(mwindow, this));
+ asset_snapshot->add_submenu(snapshot_submenu = new SnapshotSubMenu(asset_snapshot));
+ snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("png"), SNAPSHOT_PNG));
+ snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("jpeg"), SNAPSHOT_JPEG));
+ snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("tiff"), SNAPSHOT_TIFF));
+ GrabshotSubMenu *grabshot_submenu;
+ add_item(asset_grabshot = new AssetGrabshot(mwindow, this));
+ asset_grabshot->add_submenu(grabshot_submenu = new GrabshotSubMenu(asset_grabshot));
+ grabshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new GrabshotMenuItem(grabshot_submenu, _("png"), GRABSHOT_PNG));
+ grabshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new GrabshotMenuItem(grabshot_submenu, _("jpeg"), GRABSHOT_JPEG));
+ grabshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new GrabshotMenuItem(grabshot_submenu, _("tiff"), GRABSHOT_TIFF));
+ update_titles(shots_displayed = 1);
+void AssetListMenu::update_titles(int shots)
+ if( shots && !shots_displayed ) {
+ shots_displayed = 1;
+ add_item(asset_snapshot);
+ add_item(asset_grabshot);
+ }
+ else if( !shots && shots_displayed ) {
+ shots_displayed = 0;
+ remove_item(asset_snapshot);
+ remove_item(asset_grabshot);
+ }
AssetListCopy::AssetListCopy(MWindow *mwindow, AWindowGUI *gui)
return 0;
+AssetSnapshot::AssetSnapshot(MWindow *mwindow, AssetListMenu *asset_list_menu)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Snapshot..."))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->asset_list_menu = asset_list_menu;
+SnapshotSubMenu::SnapshotSubMenu(AssetSnapshot *asset_snapshot)
+ this->asset_snapshot = asset_snapshot;
+SnapshotMenuItem::SnapshotMenuItem(SnapshotSubMenu *submenu, const char *text, int mode)
+ : BC_MenuItem(text)
+ this->submenu = submenu;
+ this->mode = mode;
+int SnapshotMenuItem::handle_event()
+ MWindow *mwindow = submenu->asset_snapshot->mwindow;
+ EDL *edl = mwindow->edl;
+ if( !edl->have_video() ) return 1;
+ Preferences *preferences = mwindow->preferences;
+ char filename[BCTEXTLEN];
+ static const char *exts[] = { "png", "jpg", "tif" };
+ time_t tt; time(&tt);
+ struct tm tm; localtime_r(&tt,&tm);
+ snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/%s_%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.%s",
+ preferences->snapshot_path, _("snap"),
+ 1900+tm.tm_year,1+tm.tm_mon,tm.tm_mday,
+ tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec, exts[mode]);
+ int fw = edl->get_w(), fh = edl->get_h();
+ int fcolor_model = edl->session->color_model;
+ Asset *asset = new Asset(filename);
+ switch( mode ) {
+ asset->format = FILE_PNG;
+ asset->png_use_alpha = 1;
+ break;
+ asset->format = FILE_JPEG;
+ asset->jpeg_quality = 90;
+ break;
+ asset->format = FILE_TIFF;
+ asset->tiff_cmodel = 0;
+ asset->tiff_compression = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ asset->width = fw;
+ asset->height = fh;
+ asset->audio_data = 0;
+ asset->video_data = 1;
+ asset->video_length = 1;
+ asset->layers = 1;
+ File file;
+ int processors = preferences->project_smp + 1;
+ if( processors > 8 ) processors = 8;
+ file.set_processors(processors);
+ int ret = file.open_file(preferences, asset, 0, 1);
+ if( !ret ) {
+ file.start_video_thread(1, fcolor_model,
+ processors > 1 ? 2 : 1, 0);
+ VFrame ***frames = file.get_video_buffer();
+ VFrame *frame = frames[0][0];
+ TransportCommand command;
+ //command.command = audio_tracks ? NORMAL_FWD : CURRENT_FRAME;
+ command.command = CURRENT_FRAME;
+ command.get_edl()->copy_all(edl);
+ command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL;
+ command.realtime = 0;
+ RenderEngine render_engine(0, preferences, 0, 0);
+ CICache video_cache(preferences);
+ render_engine.set_vcache(&video_cache);
+ render_engine.arm_command(&command);
+ double position = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1);
+ int64_t source_position = (int64_t)(position * edl->get_frame_rate());
+ ret = render_engine.vrender->process_buffer(frame, source_position, 0);
+ if( !ret )
+ ret = file.write_video_buffer(1);
+ file.close_file();
+ }
+ if( !ret ) {
+ asset->awindow_folder = AW_MEDIA_FOLDER;
+ mwindow->edl->assets->append(asset);
+ mwindow->awindow->gui->async_update_assets();
+ }
+ else {
+ eprintf(_("snapshot render failed"));
+ asset->remove_user();
+ }
+ return 1;
+AssetGrabshot::AssetGrabshot(MWindow *mwindow, AssetListMenu *asset_list_menu)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Grabshot..."))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->asset_list_menu = asset_list_menu;
+GrabshotSubMenu::GrabshotSubMenu(AssetGrabshot *asset_grabshot)
+ this->asset_grabshot = asset_grabshot;
+GrabshotMenuItem::GrabshotMenuItem(GrabshotSubMenu *submenu, const char *text, int mode)
+ : BC_MenuItem(text)
+ this->submenu = submenu;
+ this->mode = mode;
+ grab_thread = 0;
+ delete grab_thread;
+int GrabshotMenuItem::handle_event()
+ if( !grab_thread )
+ grab_thread = new GrabshotThread(submenu->asset_grabshot->mwindow);
+ if( !grab_thread->running() )
+ grab_thread->start(this);
+ return 1;
+GrabshotThread::GrabshotThread(MWindow *mwindow)
+ : Thread(1, 0, 0)
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ popup = 0;
+ done = -1;
+ delete popup;
+void GrabshotThread::start(GrabshotMenuItem *menu_item)
+ popup = new GrabshotPopup(this, menu_item->mode);
+ popup->lock_window("GrabshotThread::start");
+ for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
+ edge[i] = new BC_Popup(mwindow->gui, 0,0, 1,1, ORANGE, 1);
+ mwindow->gui->grab_buttons();
+ mwindow->gui->grab_cursor();
+ popup->grab(mwindow->gui);
+ popup->create_objects();
+ popup->show_window();
+ popup->unlock_window();
+ done = 0;
+ Thread::start();
+void GrabshotThread::run()
+ popup->lock_window("GrabshotThread::run 0");
+ while( !done ) {
+ popup->update();
+ popup->unlock_window();
+ enable_cancel();
+ Timer::delay(200);
+ disable_cancel();
+ popup->lock_window("GrabshotThread::run 1");
+ }
+ mwindow->gui->ungrab_cursor();
+ mwindow->gui->ungrab_buttons();
+ popup->ungrab(mwindow->gui);
+ for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) delete edge[i];
+ popup->unlock_window();
+ delete popup; popup = 0;
+GrabshotPopup::GrabshotPopup(GrabshotThread *grab_thread, int mode)
+ : BC_Popup(grab_thread->mwindow->gui, 0,0, 16,16, -1,1)
+ this->grab_thread = grab_thread;
+ this->mode = mode;
+ dragging = -1;
+ grab_color = ORANGE;
+ x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = -1;
+ lx0 = ly0 = lx1 = ly1 = -1;
+int GrabshotPopup::grab_event(XEvent *event)
+ int cur_drag = dragging;
+ switch( event->type ) {
+ case ButtonPress:
+ if( cur_drag > 0 ) return 1;
+ x0 = event->xbutton.x_root;
+ y0 = event->xbutton.y_root;
+ if( !cur_drag ) {
+ draw_selection(-1);
+ if( event->xbutton.button == RIGHT_BUTTON ) break;
+ if( x0>=get_x() && x0<get_x()+get_w() &&
+ y0>=get_y() && y0<get_y()+get_h() ) break;
+ }
+ x1 = x0; y1 = y0;
+ draw_selection(1);
+ dragging = 1;
+ return 1;
+ case ButtonRelease:
+ dragging = 0;
+ case MotionNotify:
+ if( cur_drag > 0 ) {
+ x1 = event->xbutton.x_root;
+ y1 = event->xbutton.y_root;
+ draw_selection(0);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int cx = lx0, cy = ly0;
+ int cw = lx1-lx0, ch = ly1-ly0;
+ hide_window();
+ sync_display();
+ MWindow *mwindow = grab_thread->mwindow;
+ Preferences *preferences = mwindow->preferences;
+ char filename[BCTEXTLEN];
+ static const char *exts[] = { "png", "jpg", "tif" };
+ time_t tt; time(&tt);
+ struct tm tm; localtime_r(&tt,&tm);
+ snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/%s_%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.%s",
+ preferences->snapshot_path, _("grab"),
+ 1900+tm.tm_year,1+tm.tm_mon,tm.tm_mday,
+ tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec, exts[mode]);
+ Asset *asset = new Asset(filename);
+ switch( mode ) {
+ asset->format = FILE_PNG;
+ asset->png_use_alpha = 1;
+ break;
+ asset->format = FILE_JPEG;
+ asset->jpeg_quality = 90;
+ break;
+ asset->format = FILE_TIFF;
+ asset->tiff_cmodel = 0;
+ asset->tiff_compression = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+// no odd dimensions
+ int rw = get_root_w(0), rh = get_root_h(0);
+ if( cx < 0 ) { cw += cx; cx = 0; }
+ if( cy < 0 ) { ch += cy; cy = 0; }
+ if( cx+cw > rw ) cw = rw-cx;
+ if( cy+ch > rh ) ch = rh-cy;
+ VFrame vframe(cw,ch, BC_RGB888);
+ if( cx+cw < rw ) ++cw;
+ if( cy+ch < rh ) ++ch;
+ BC_Capture capture_bitmap(cw,ch, 0);
+ capture_bitmap.capture_frame(&vframe, cx,cy);
+ asset->width = vframe.get_w();
+ asset->height = vframe.get_h();
+ asset->audio_data = 0;
+ asset->video_data = 1;
+ asset->video_length = 1;
+ asset->layers = 1;
+ File file;
+ int fcolor_model = mwindow->edl->session->color_model;
+ int processors = preferences->project_smp + 1;
+ if( processors > 8 ) processors = 8;
+ file.set_processors(processors);
+ int ret = file.open_file(preferences, asset, 0, 1);
+ if( !ret ) {
+ file.start_video_thread(1, fcolor_model,
+ processors > 1 ? 2 : 1, 0);
+ VFrame ***frames = file.get_video_buffer();
+ VFrame *frame = frames[0][0];
+ frame->transfer_from(&vframe);
+ ret = file.write_video_buffer(1);
+ file.close_file();
+ }
+ if( !ret ) {
+ asset->awindow_folder = AW_MEDIA_FOLDER;
+ mwindow->edl->assets->append(asset);
+ mwindow->awindow->gui->async_update_assets();
+ }
+ else {
+ eprintf(_("grabshot render failed"));
+ asset->remove_user();
+ }
+ grab_thread->done = 1;
+ return 1;
+void GrabshotPopup::update()
+ set_color(grab_color ^= GREEN);
+ draw_box(0,0, get_w(),get_h());
+ flash(1);
+void GrabshotPopup::draw_selection(int show)
+ if( show < 0 ) {
+ for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) hide_window(0);
+ flush();
+ return;
+ }
+ int nx0 = x0 < x1 ? x0 : x1;
+ int nx1 = x0 < x1 ? x1 : x0;
+ int ny0 = y0 < y1 ? y0 : y1;
+ int ny1 = y0 < y1 ? y1 : y0;
+ lx0 = nx0; lx1 = nx1; ly0 = ny0; ly1 = ny1;
+ --nx0; --ny0;
+ BC_Popup **edge = grab_thread->edge;
+ edge[0]->reposition_window(nx0,ny0, nx1-nx0, 1);
+ edge[1]->reposition_window(nx1,ny0, 1, ny1-ny0);
+ edge[2]->reposition_window(nx0,ny1, nx1-nx0, 1);
+ edge[3]->reposition_window(nx0,ny0, 1, ny1-ny0);
+ if( show > 0 ) {
+ for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) edge[i]->show_window(0);
+ }
+ flush();
#include "awindowgui.h"
#include "edit.h"
#include "editpopup.h"
-#include "cache.h"
#include "edl.h"
#include "edlsession.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "mwindow.h"
#include "mwindowgui.h"
#include "plugindialog.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "renderengine.h"
#include "resizetrackthread.h"
#include "track.h"
#include "tracks.h"
#include "trackcanvas.h"
-#include "transportque.h"
-#include "vframe.h"
-#include "vrender.h"
#include <string.h>
add_item(new EditPopupDeleteTrack(mwindow, this));
add_item(new EditPopupAddTrack(mwindow, this));
// add_item(new EditPopupTitle(mwindow, this));
- EditSnapshot *edit_snapshot;
- SnapshotSubMenu *snapshot_submenu;
- add_item(edit_snapshot = new EditSnapshot(mwindow, this));
- edit_snapshot->add_submenu(snapshot_submenu = new SnapshotSubMenu(edit_snapshot));
- snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("png"), SNAPSHOT_PNG));
- snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("jpeg"), SNAPSHOT_JPEG));
- snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("tiff"), SNAPSHOT_TIFF));
resize_option = 0;
matchsize_option = 0;
return 1;
-EditSnapshot::EditSnapshot(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("Snapshot..."))
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
-SnapshotSubMenu::SnapshotSubMenu(EditSnapshot *edit_snapshot)
- this->edit_snapshot = edit_snapshot;
-SnapshotMenuItem::SnapshotMenuItem(SnapshotSubMenu *submenu, const char *text, int mode)
- : BC_MenuItem(text)
- this->submenu = submenu;
- this->mode = mode;
-int SnapshotMenuItem::handle_event()
- MWindow *mwindow = submenu->edit_snapshot->mwindow;
- EDL *edl = mwindow->edl;
- if( !edl->have_video() ) return 1;
- Preferences *preferences = mwindow->preferences;
- char filename[BCTEXTLEN];
- static const char *exts[] = { "png", "jpg", "tif" };
- time_t tt; time(&tt);
- struct tm tm; localtime_r(&tt,&tm);
- snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/snap_%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.%s",
- preferences->snapshot_path, 1900+tm.tm_year,1+tm.tm_mon,tm.tm_mday,
- tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec, exts[mode]);
- int fw = edl->get_w(), fh = edl->get_h();
- int fcolor_model = edl->session->color_model;
- Asset *asset = new Asset(filename);
- switch( mode ) {
- asset->format = FILE_PNG;
- asset->png_use_alpha = 1;
- break;
- asset->format = FILE_JPEG;
- asset->jpeg_quality = 90;
- break;
- asset->format = FILE_TIFF;
- asset->tiff_cmodel = 0;
- asset->tiff_compression = 0;
- break;
- }
- asset->width = fw;
- asset->height = fh;
- asset->audio_data = 0;
- asset->video_data = 1;
- asset->video_length = 1;
- asset->layers = 1;
- File file;
- int processors = preferences->project_smp + 1;
- if( processors > 8 ) processors = 8;
- file.set_processors(processors);
- int ret = file.open_file(preferences, asset, 0, 1);
- if( !ret ) {
- file.start_video_thread(1, fcolor_model,
- processors > 1 ? 2 : 1, 0);
- VFrame ***frames = file.get_video_buffer();
- VFrame *frame = frames[0][0];
- TransportCommand command;
- //command.command = audio_tracks ? NORMAL_FWD : CURRENT_FRAME;
- command.command = CURRENT_FRAME;
- command.get_edl()->copy_all(edl);
- command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL;
- command.realtime = 0;
- RenderEngine render_engine(0, preferences, 0, 0);
- CICache video_cache(preferences);
- render_engine.set_vcache(&video_cache);
- render_engine.arm_command(&command);
- double position = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1);
- int64_t source_position = (int64_t)(position * edl->get_frame_rate());
- int ret = render_engine.vrender->process_buffer(frame, source_position, 0);
- if( !ret )
- ret = file.write_video_buffer(1);
- file.close_file();
- }
- if( !ret ) {
- asset->awindow_folder = AW_MEDIA_FOLDER;
- mwindow->edl->assets->append(asset);
- mwindow->awindow->gui->async_update_assets();
- }
- else {
- eprintf("snapshot render failed");
- asset->remove_user();
- }
- return 1;
F_datascope: Video data analysis.
F_deband: Debands video.
F_deflate: Applies deflate effect.
+F_deflicker: Remove temporal frame luminance variations.
F_dejudder: Removes judder produced by pullup.
F_delogo: Removes logo from input video.
When using this plugin a green box will appear on the
and the size of the box (so you can adjust it to the
size of the logo).
F_deshake: Stabilizes shaky video.
+F_despill: Remove unwanted foreground colors, caused by reflected color
+ of green or blue screen.
F_dilation: Applies dilation effect.
+F_doubleweave: Weave input video fields into double number of frames.
F_drawbox: Draws a colored box on the input video.
Through the settings you are able to choose the
position of the box on X and Y coordinates,
F_fftfilt: Apply arbitrary expressions to pixels in frequency domain.
F_field: Extract a field from the input video.
F_fieldorder: Set the field order.
+F_floodfill: Fill area of the same color with another color.
F_framerate: Upsamples or downsamples progressive
source between specified frame rates.
F_fspp: Applies Fast Simple Post-processing filter.
F_interlace: Convert progressive video into interlaced.
F_kerndeint: Applies kernel deinterlacing to the input.
F_lenscorrection: Rectifies the image by correcting for lens distortion.
+F_limiter: Limit pixels components to the specified range.
F_loop: Loops video frames.
+F_lumakey: Turns a certain luma into transparency.
F_lut: Compute and apply a lookup
table to the RGB/YUV input video.
F_lutrgb: Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB input video.
Through the settings you can
select the variables of the noise
(strength, flag and seed).
+F_oscilloscope: 2D video oscilloscope. Useful to measure spatial impulse,
+ step responses, and chroma delays.
F_owndenoise: Denoises using wavelets.
F_perms: Set permissions for the output video frame.
F_perspective: Corrects the perspective of video.
F_phase: Phases shift fields.
+F_pixscope: Pixel data analysis for checking color and levels. It will
+ display sample values of color channels.
F_pp: Filters video using libpostproc.
F_pp7: Applies Postprocessing 7 filter.
F_prewitt: Apply prewitt operator.
+F_pseudocolor: Make pseudocolored video frames.
F_readeia608: Read EIA-608 Closed Caption codes from
input video and write them to frame metadata.
F_readvitc: Reads vertical interval
F_realtime: Slows down filtering to match realtime.
F_removegrain: Removes grain.
F_repeatfields: Hard repeat fields based on MPEG repeat field flag.
+F_roberts: Apply roberts cross operator which performs a simple/quick 2-D
+ spatial gradient measurement on the video (usually a graysacle
+ image). It highlights regions of high spatial frequency which
+ most likely correspond to edges.
F_rotate: Rotates the input image.
F_sab: Applies shape adaptive blur.
F_separatefields: Split input video frames into fields.
F_swaprect: Swaps 2 rectangular objects in video.
F_swapuv: Swaps U and V components.
F_tinterlace: Performs temporal field interlacing.
+F_tlut2: Compute and apply a lookup table from 2 successive frames.
F_transpose: Transposes input video.
F_uspp: Applies Ultra Simple/Slow Post-processing filter.
F_vaguedenoiser: Applies a Wavelet based Denoiser.
F_chorus: Adds a chorus effect to the audio.
F_compand: Compresses or expands audio dynamic range.
F_compensationdelay: audio compensation delay line.
+F_crossfeed: Apply headphone crossfeed which blends the left and right
+ channels of a stereo audio recording. It is mainly used
+ to reduce extreme stereo separation of low frequencies in
+ order to produce more speaker like sound.
F_crystalizer: Simple Expand Audio Dynamic Range filter.
F_dcshift: Applies a DC shift to the audio.
F_dyaudnorm: Dynamic Audio Normalizer. When using this plugin,
brings up an menu. Highlight the effect shown in the
middle section and click OK.
F_flanger: Applies a flanging effect to the audio.
+F_haas: Apply Haas Stereo Enhancer for a more natural sounding pan effect
+ or more clarity in the center of the mix. With this filter
+ applied to mono signals it give some directionality and stretches
+ its stereo image
F_highpass: Applies a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
F_loudnorm: EBU R128 loudness normalization.
F_lowpass: Applies a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.