FreeBSD and Windows 10 with the bsd.patch for FreeBSD and the
cygwin.patch for Windows 10.
+NOTE: as of May 31, 2021 when Context Help was added, to include
+this Context Help you will need to download the corresponding
+tgz file containing the HTML manual sections referenced for the
+Help pages. The file to download is:
+substituting for "20210531" the "yyyymmdd" representing latest release date.
+Then unpack to your Cinelerra/bin/doc directory so it is included in
+your built system.
Alternatively, there are some pre-built dynamic or static binaries
which are updated on a fairly regular basis (as long as code changes
have been made) available at the link below.
export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG=" --disable-vdpau"
+NOTE: as of May 31, 2021 when Context Help was added, to include
+this Context Help you will need to download the corresponding
+tgz file containing the HTML manual sections referenced for the
+Help pages. The file to download is:
+substituting for "20210531" the "yyyymmdd" representing latest release date.
+Then unpack to your Cinelerra/bin/doc directory so it is included in
+your built system. The reason for not including the HTML manual in
+the source code so that it would already be there, is because it is
+very large and has its own GIT base.
\subsection{Notes about Building from Git in your Customized Environment}%