-This section describes how to create a blu-ray DVD, or \textcolor{red}{BD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{B}lu-ray \textcolor{red}{D}VD, and a regular DVD, or \textcolor{red}{SD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{S}tandard \textcolor{red}{D}VD. The DVDs (plural usage of DVD means either BD or SD) created are unencrypted, unlike commercially available movie DVDs. This \CGG{} version conceivably can create different variations of DVD/Blu-ray media but for the casual user the most standard usages are readily usable and will be described here.
+This section describes how to create a blu-ray DVD, or \textcolor{red}{BD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{B}lu-ray \textcolor{red}{D}VD, and a regular DVD, or \textcolor{red}{SD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{S}tandard \textcolor{red}{D}VD. The DVDs (plural usage of DVD means either BD or SD) created are unencrypted, unlike commercially available movie DVDs. This \CGG{} version conceivably can create different variations of DVD/Blu-ray media but for the casual user the most standard usages are readily usable and will be described here. On 32-bit systems, like Debian, the creation of Blu-ray media is not supported and will hang your session.
Some preliminary information follows. For NTSC, SD media is almost always $720\times480$ interlaced (the format in the United States, US). For PAL, SD media is almost always $720\times576$ interlaced (Europe, EU, and most of the world). An SD can conceivably be created with a lower resolution – for example $352\times240$ MPEG-1 -- but it is not useful. Aspect ratio for either NTSC or PAL can be $4:3$ or $16:9$.
performs a simple/quick $2D$ spatial gradient measurement on the
video (usually a grayscale image). It highlights regions of high
spatial frequency which most ikely correspond to edges.
-\item [F\_rotate]~\\Rotates the input image.
+\item [F\_rotate]~\\Rotates the input image by an arbitrary angle expressed in radians. If you want to rotate
+by degrees, you can use the \textit{rotate} plugin instead.
\item [F\_sab]~\\Applies shape adaptive blur.
\item [F\_scale]~\\Scale the input video size and/or convert
the image format.