\index{save media files}
+The media files loaded into the Resources window are called \textit{assets} and are virtual references to the real media files on disk. The original sources are not changed and so we have non-destructive editing.
There are many supported file formats that can be loaded and rendered to, that is to say, imported and exported.
The format of the file affects what \CGG{} does with it.
Some file formats are very slow to display on the timeline, especially video which is highly compressed.
\index{program window}
-The main window is called the \textit{Program} window and is often just referred to as the \textit{timeline} \index{timeline}. Here is where you enter the main menu operations.
-This timeline consists of a vertical stack of tracks with time represented horizontally on the track.
+The main window is called the \textit{Program} window and is often just referred to as the \textit{timeline}\index{timeline}. Here is where you enter the main menu operations.
+This timeline (or \textit{canvas}) consists of a vertical stack of tracks with time represented horizontally on the track.
It is the output of the rendering operations and this is what is saved when you run the \textit{File} pulldown, Save command.
-Immediately to the left of the timeline is the patchbay \index{patchbay}. The patchbay contains options that affect each track.
+Immediately to the left of the timeline is the patchbay\index{patchbay}. The patchbay contains options that affect each track.
These options are described in great detail in \nameref{sec:patchbay}.
The \textit{Window} pulldown on the main window contains options
\textit{Reset Projector}: causes the projector to return to the center.
-\subsubsection*{Use Case: Interaction Between Camera And Projector \protect\footnote{Example provided by Sam. The relative video is located at: \url{https://streamable.com/iq08i}}}%
+\subsubsection*{Use Case: Interaction Between Camera And Projector \protect\footnote{Example provided by Sam. The relative video is located at: \url{https://youtu.be/ZQaLZiYY1lg}}}%