With persistence, you can get results, but it may take several tries to stabilize the build.
If you need help, email the "\texttt{log}" and "\texttt{config.log}", which is usually sufficient to determine why a build failed.
If you have already installed the \texttt{libfdk\_aac} development package on your computer because you prefer this version over the default aac, you will have to do the following to get this alternative operational.
+\subsection{Cloning the Repository for Faster Updates}%
+If you want to avoid downloading the software every time an update is available you need to create a local "repository" or repo.
+The repo is a directory where you first do a “\texttt{git clone}”.
+For the initial git clone, setup a local area for the repository storage, referred to as \texttt{<repo\_path>}.
+The “\texttt{git clone}” creates a repo named "\texttt{cin5}" in the \texttt{/<repo\_path>/} directory.
+This accesses over 300\,MB of repo data, so the device has to have at least that available.
+The repo path is always a perfect clone of the main repo.
+\paragraph{Setting up the initial clone}%
+add “- - depth 1” before cin5 which is faster/smaller, but has no history.
+# cd /<repo\_path>/
+# git clone "git://git.cinelerra-gg.org/goodguy/cinelerra" cin5
+Cloning into "cin5"...
+remote: Counting objects: 20032, done.
+remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11647/11647), done.
+remote: Total 20032 (delta 11333), reused 16632 (delta 8189)
+Receiving objects: 100% (20032/20032), 395.29 MiB | 3.26 MiB/s, done.
+Resolving deltas: 100% (11333/11333), done.
+Checking connectivity... done.