Credit Andrew with recommending upgrade libvpx
[goodguy/cinelerra.git] / cinelerra-5.1 / cinelerra / playtransport.C
2021-05-10 Good GuyExciting new Alt/h help key provided by sge (Georgy...
2020-07-04 Good Guypluginclient cr=apply in option value textbox, add...
2019-12-11 Good Guynew/reworked audio plugins ported from hv72 compressor...
2019-04-10 Good Guyno /. in ffmpeg init_decode segv, build index fix audio...
2019-02-17 Good Guytransportque tweaks for shuttle, fixes videoscope/undo...
2019-02-08 Good Guyshuttle and transportque reworks, new shdmp, titler...
2019-02-06 Good Guyrework transportque for shuttle speed codes, add rusage...
2018-10-30 Good Guyinitial commit