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Video and Tutorial on CinelerraGG (Spanish)

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Registrato: 6 anni fa
Post: 364
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A Spanish video and tutorial by the AudioVideo Technician contributor, Rafa, is now available with more to come.  The tutorial can be easily translated using google for non-spanish speaking users.

Reputable Member Admin
Registrato: 6 anni fa
Post: 242

Round 2 of Spanish Video and Tutorial covering how to use the Camera and Projector in the Compositor.  EXCELLENT detailed coverage of autos and keyframes which are some of the harder operations to learn to use.  Thank you RafaMar!

Registrato: 6 anni fa
Post: 420

I also put a post in the Tutorials section, so that it can be reunited with the other tutorials already present. Here you can continue to announce each new release.

Note 1: Raf Mar, the second video does not seem to be included in the CinGG playlist; only the first one appears.

Note 2: it sounds incredible, but there's a lack of English tutorials. There are only those of Chipper Video, but they are elementary and show small, generic examples. Is it possible that CinGG is only used outside of the USA?

Reputable Member Admin
Registrato: 6 anni fa
Post: 242


I will put them in the correct place next time which is better for locating them.

CinGG is mostly used outside of the United States as far as I can tell.  Occasionally we see that someone at a university is using it. But still it would be good to have english ones for more widespread usage.

Reputable Member Admin
Registrato: 6 anni fa
Post: 242

RafaMar has created another chapter in his ongoing series of CinelerraGG usage.  This one is mainly on the use of the Titler plugin with the animation portion helpful for showing the usefulness of using keyframes.
