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Audio/Video sync

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What is the best way to synchronize audio and video (in CinGG, of course!)?
Let me explain: I have a long voice track and I have to choose between various videos (only video), the clips to synchronize with the audio below. How to do it?

5 risposte

Let me try to give a universal answer. First place the sound on the track and align it left-aligned. Then find the noise peak of the clapperboard (or double hand clapping as a cheap replacement for a clapperboard) and mark it with the waterproof edding, alternatively a cgg label can be set. Align all following videos with the mark, i.e. the optical clapperboard over the clapperboard beat.

Without clapboard or if the videos are only a partial length of the audio track: First synchronize the longest video with the audio track. To do this, look for a suitable peak, such as a door that visibly falls into the lock. Advanced users can also adjust to mouth/pop sounds. Shorter videos with the formula "Pi times eye" over the two synchronized tracks and search for matches in the picture. Push it back and forth until it fits cinematically.

If the above formula does not provide a starting point: often cameras roughly record the time, in my cameras the time is stored as subtitles. The start time of the video on the timeline is then the difference to the start time of the audio.

Therefore, the camera sound should always be recorded because it is more suitable for alignment in the millisecond range (and can also be used with software functions, if available).

Topic starter

Thanks for the advice. I was referring in particular to record a text (previously written) and then record the screen to create a video tutorial. Finally connect video and audio for the final product. But it does not seem to me the best way to proceed.
Anyway, I noticed that it would be useful to be able to report the values of a selection on the timeline (start frame timecode; interval and end frame) in the Viewer window. Sometimes I find myself having to use the calculator.

PS1: I take advantage of your return to ask you if you can adapt the cover of the manual you made some time ago to the new manual. It's in German and I haven't been able to adapt it.

PS2: How does your script work?

Olaf 08/03/2020 10:50 am

Don't mention it. You could have written that this is a video tutorial, but it makes no difference to for example commercials. As far as I know, the soundtrack is done after the composition of the video material. So in the following order: screenplay […] -> recording of the video sequences (with or without live commentary), composing and editing -> recording of the audio sequences by the off-speaker(s) while the video is running.

PS1: I don't know what you mean. A long time ago I changed my manual (excerpt) completely to KOMA-Script (scrbook), but I'm not gonna pursue this any further. You would have to be more concrete (a executable minimal example).

PS2: The old script was not user friendly, might have to be rewritten and extended with dialogs. With Cinelerra-GG, videos can now be converted to intermediate codecs, I have read. It is certainly better to use the functions of the respective video editor or to work directly with the native tools, so that the syntax is not forgotten. (If you prefer to work on the command line you should try the advantages of Zsh instead of Bash).

Topic starter

Thank you, you just made me realize I was wrong, going the opposite way I should have (first the video and above record the audio). And in fact, the results are bad.

PS1: I was referring to your comment #0002482 from BT0077. Your pdf shows a new cover, which I would like to propose to Phyllis. But it's in German and I don't know how to change it.

PS2: I found your script here on the forum (, where you talked about leveling the audio tracks. This is the part that interests me, since I often resort to the "normalization" of the various audio tracks. Actually, using the gain filter in CinGG is fine with me.

PhyllisSmith 08/03/2020 4:42 pm


I think it would be a definite enhancement -- "Your pdf shows a new cover, which I would like to propose."



Not as elegant as with KOMA but it works. Hth



Thank you.


I checked it and checked it into GIT.
