Control Zoom and Pa...
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Control Zoom and Pan via keyframes

5 Post
3 Utenti
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I have tried to follow the user manual but I don't get it how I can create Zooms and Pans controlled by keyframes.

I think this happens at the projector window but I don't find the keyframes in the timeline. I have zoomed the timeline but I only see these pink coloured keyframes for visibility/transparency.

Can you give me a hint please? This looks difficult.

5 risposte


Maybe Andrea knows of a good video to show usage but here is one I saw:

    Cinelerra-GG Infinity: Create A Pan & Zoom Slide Show



The keyframes curves can be made visible through menu View --> camera(X,Y,Z)/projector(X,Y,Z), or even better by opening the dedicated window: Windows --> Show Overlays (Ctrl+O). See manual 2.6.3
Another good video tutorial:
Compared to the indicated videos the Camera/Projector function window has changed a lot; now it looks like this image.

Topic starter

Thank you.

I will have a look at it.

I have already tried the camera tool but I wasn't able to control, find and edit these keyframes.

Topic starter

I have understood it now how to enable and disable keyframe control for the projector.

It is so easy when you know how 🙂



Glad you figured it out..  One of the easiest ways to learn is have someone show you, but sometimes there is just no one standing next to you who already knows.

P.S. still trying to figure out the problem with jpeg crashes.
