[SOLVED] How to Gan...
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[SOLVED] How to Gang projector/camera keyframes to zoom multiple tracks?

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Hi guys, i am new to cinelerra and i figure out reading the documentation, that is possible to gang speed/fade keyframes double clicking the speed line to edit multiple track keyframes.


But i like to know if is possible to do same thing with other keyframes like camera and projector?


If not, i like to know how can i zoom multiple tracks using the same control(like it was one). I tried with scale plugin but the images have different sizes, and it's not giving the "zoom" effect as i expect.


Thanks for any help


Edit: tried "scale" with "crop and position" and it's working well, but i am still think using projector/camera keyframes, would be more productive


Edit: edited the thread title in favor in case other people search for this

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4 risposte

I am late here, sorry @yrds96. I see you have solved the Question by yourself. Good.

As you figured out, looking at your first link ( https://imgur.com/a/qxElqM5), the Scale plugin added to both tracks must be at the same level (at the highest level).

There are other ways to achieve the goal but only you know the size of your PNGs; you could use Camera/Projector but the size of the picture/video is better to be the same to avoid further problems.

And, as you have done,  I think that Nested media solve the question in a very good way.

OT: to post an image look at on the left-bottom of the text editor window. There, you should see the text "Attach file: " and the Browse button to add a file.


Hi @yrds96, what I know Camera/Projector have not gang mode (and for me it would have no sense). You can copy keyframes from a track to another.
Or you can use Scale plugin on a track and using "Shared effects" share that effect on the other tracks.

yrds96 wrote:

but the images have different sizes, and it's not giving the "zoom" effect as i expect.

I don't understand what you are saying about. If your images have differrent sizes, they needed different scales, I think, but I don't know what is your goal. I guess you want to do a kind of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO8gHNmzhbE
Please, can you show an example?

Topic starter

Hi igor, thanks for the response.


Sure i have a example, i don't know how to post images here so i uploaded to imgur



I tried to use scale and crop and position plugins and shared between tracks to achieve a zoom to entire scene, but not success, and sometimes like happened to the ball image, it was cropped, so i have to adjust track size so this not happens





I am starting to understand some things here:


I have to use the right order of plugins(scale -> crop and position) or else image can be cropped

I cant resize/move projector, only cameras or else scale and position don't move correctly


Look at my tests:




But i think this is a little bit harder than other linear editor that i tested(blender), which all i have to do is to group the tracks then add a transform plugin on both





I made it without using any plugins


First i edited the Tracks as i wanted

Then i selected these tracks and put all on a clip , and nested to media (this feature is very powerfull and easy!)

After that, a put the media on my project and i was able to edit the entire track cameras as if they were one.







First of all, thank you for using Cinelerra!  It is definitely different but when it was first written, computer hardware and software was quite a bit slower and less friendly than it is today.

But i think this is a little bit harder than other linear editor that i tested(blender), which all i have to do is to group the tracks then add a transform plugin on both

You and Igor have already found ways to do what you need -- one of the good things about Cinelerra is that there are usually multiple ways to do things.  However, a feature called "Gang Mode" was added to mimic the blender/audio editors' grouping/editing of tracks together.  To use this, it is the last symbol on the Transport line of the main program window (below the File, Edit,...pulldowns).  As usual, it takes some learning and experimenting to get used to it.


Questo post è stato modificato 4 anni fa da phylsmith2004