Video denoising pro...
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Video denoising problems

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I am using the latest update of Gin-GG and am having problems denoising certain video clips. So far I have not found one of the available denoisers that works satisfactorily, but I have not reported it as a bug as it is probably my ignorance. I have carefully set up Selective Temporal Averaging using the available information (Cinelerra-CV manual) and I can get near perfect results on a static shot, but if there is any movement, the moving object(s) leave(s) a trail. I have tried various numbers of frames to average, but below 4 denoising suffers. The other denoisers seem about the same, although I have yet to try the ffmpeg ones at anything other than default settings. Frankly, I don't understand what the setting are yet, but with a little help I may begin to.

My selected camera output is MP4 and I have tried denoising both on raw MP4 and ProRes transcoded clips. The clips are all 25p.

I know at least one of the ffmpeg ones works as, if I denoise first in Flowblade then import into Gin-GG, I can get a very good result, but that clamps the colour range to restricted, not what I want. The Kdenlive one works very well too if I edit in Kdenlive.

My questions, in no patricular order of priority, are:

1. Should I be doing something else to clean up the trail behind moving objects, if so what?

2. Can you point me to a suitable tutorial, I have yet to find one

3. Can you recommend a denoiser within Cin-GG and suggest settings

4. Is there another way to increase saturation as both Colour 3-Way and Hue/Saturation exascurbate any noise present.

Any help you can offer will be appreciated, thankyou.

2 risposte

I can use Selective temporal Averaging even less than you can. It's also very heavy. My favorite denoise is F_atadenoise which is always based on the "time average" but is less heavy and also works well with the default setting. However, it is easy to change the parameters for a better result.
Another valid denoise, always by ffmpeg is F_hqdn3d, always with default settings.
However, in the resources window there is the expander dedicated to Denoise and you can have fun with the tests.
The only video tutorial I've ever found is:

DeJay Topic starter 21/02/2019 1:33 pm

Thanks Andreapaz

F_hqdn-3d seems to be what I'm looking for, more tests to do but OK so far.

I have seen that comparison video before, hardly a tutorial, but it led me to the Forgotten Guide, I used to have it bookmarked but thought it was no longer there, where I followed the somewhat different instructions to set up STA. As you say it's heavy, but it still does not quite suffice.


I'm using Movavi for denoising and pretty happy about it still. Leaves no grains and is pretty to work with. They have still got plenty of tools to use - visit  their site for more info. 

Questo post è stato modificato 6 anni fa 4 volte da elong
DeJay Topic starter 26/08/2019 8:27 am

@eloFine, but it's Windows only and Cinelerra is Linux only, so how is this pertinent?
