Estimable Member
Registrato: Ott 18, 2020
Last seen: Lug 13, 2024
Discussioni: 5 / Risposte: 172
Responder para: Different dimensions images.

Thanks @sparkill, it is more clear, now. It is not a size distortion problem, as I thought, butan alpha channel problem. Alpha channel must have som...

2 anni fa
RE: Roadbike Cycling

I am watching your video using VLC on my old Notebook. I can see some hesitation on playback at, around, 0m:30s.Probably it depends by my slooow cpu. ...

2 anni fa
Responder para: Different dimensions images.

I think that my tests don't answer to your "Images with odd dimensions may not decode properly" question but...Why do we have to use an odd size for a...

2 anni fa
RE: Roadbike Cycling

I like your "Roadbike Cycling". Unfortunately I have some problems to see the video in your site; maybe it is my problem due to bandwidth. I downloade...

2 anni fa
Answer to: Different dimensions images.

@sparkill wrote: this is the image when exporting to cingg is distorted. Your image is 598x588 pixels. What is your Format project (size, fps)?

2 anni fa
Answer to: Cingg can't find Vaapi - Intel

Sorry for the late, @phylsmith2004. philsmith2004 wrote: ...and have better additional information of what library is used for the "Record" opti...

2 anni fa
RE: Audio insert half frame delay

@cincity Take a look at my screencast, in the link below, to understand what PhyllisSmith meant, please.

2 anni fa
RE: Audio insert half frame delay

I think like PhyllisSmith: the problem should be "Align cursor on frames". As usually I ask, a screenshot or a screencast would help to understand bet...

2 anni fa
RE: Problems with loading and rendering

@dejay Sorry for my misunderstanding. I am glad it works fine now.

2 anni fa
Answer to: Problems with loading and rendering

@phylsmith2004You are speaking about videos to test?It is not easy to help somebody without a part of the video or project to test on our machines br ...

2 anni fa
RE: Problems with loading and rendering

If you can/want, could you share 10 seconds of a video that shows this problem, please? So We may test it.

2 anni fa
Answer to: Problems with loading and rendering

what versions of Cinelerra-GG are you using?What is the project format?With which Cinelerra-GG version were these projects created, without any proble...

2 anni fa
Answer to: Workflow for edit-down and export

Hi @adam4567,I think it doesn't matter if the questions are for Beginner or Advanced(?).I think that it is more important the post's title, so other u...

2 anni fa
RE: New tutorial on Titles Animations: Lower Third effect

Thanks, even though I think it is ugly and boring. At least, I hope, it will be useful to someone. PS:I think Cinelerra-GG is really fantastic! Neve...

2 anni fa
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