Active Member
Registrato: Gen 8, 2023
Last seen: Apr 7, 2023
Discussioni: 0 / Risposte: 19
Answer to: How to make a bounding box around a picture-in-picture?

Hi @IgorBeg, first of all, sorry - I was being silly, I misread your original post, Frame4Picture was of course the name of the track, not the n...

2 anni fa
Answer to: How to make a bounding box around a picture-in-picture?

Hi @IgorBeg, thank you for the guide, I tried to reproduce the steps, but where do I find the Frame4Picture effect? I tried googling for it, ass...

2 anni fa
Answer to: How to make a bounding box around a picture-in-picture?

Hi @phylsmith2004, thank you for your answer, I tried the Sketcher and it is indeed better suited than F_drawbox, because in the Sketcher you can at...

2 anni fa
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